Chapter 17

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Symph POV
"Come on Aug don't be a sore loser." Kurt said stuffing a piece of pizza in his mouth.

"Ain't nobody being a sore loser. You and yo cheating ass girlfriend just don't play fair." August replied back clearly irritated.

I chuckled to myself at how competitive August can be. Me, him, Bee, and Kurt decided to come midnight bowling because we all loved it. Plus it was Friday night and we all were bored so we decided why not. We we're going to play me & Blair against Bevis & Butthead aka Aug & Kurt, but then we decided to just couple up. We played two rounds & we won of course. I'll admit me and Kurt do play dirty but hey there's no rules when bowling with friends.

"Aye but listen doe." Kurt said getting our attention.

"What's up?" Aug asked.

"You remember Kayla from back in H town?" Kurt asked August obviously because me nor Blair had no idea what he was talking about.

"Ooh yea that was my lil nigga. She was cool as hell. Why you ask?"

"She came to the shop the other day asking about pricing and shit for a leg tat when I recognized her. She asked about you and I invited her out to eat with us tomorrow. Well me, you, and the ladies."

"You damn right & the ladies. I will very much be in attendance to see who the fuck this is." I said rolling my eyes giving much attitude.

"Calm Symphony damn, don't nobody want Kayla. That's why I invited yo angry ass." Kurt said to me.

"Yea, alright Kurtis." I said rolling my eyes, he knows I hate when people use my full name. Anyway I'm getting sleepy so lets head out."

"Iight, Bee & Aug I'll see yall tomorrow." Kurt said getting up.

We all said our goodbyes and headed out of the bowling alley.

August POV

"You have fun baby?" I asked Bee once we got into my truck.

"Yea, I did even though they kept cheating."

"That's iight, we'll get they asses back." I said to her and we both shared a laugh.

"So tell me about this Kayla girl?" Blair said to me and I kind of tensed up.

I actually have been feeling a bit uptight about us all going out since Kurt brought her up. I use to kind of like Kayla back in the day before I met Krystal. She actually helped me get over Krystal and then we lost touch when I moved to the A. I felt uneasy admitting this to Bee because I didnt know how she would react. But she didn't have anything to worry about I only want her and I don't want her to find out me & Kayla's history from someone else. So it's better if I just admit everything to her.

"Baby?" Blair said getting my attention.


"Did you hear me?"

"Oh yea my bad babe." I said to her puting the key into the ignition to turn the heat on. " Well to be honest I use to have a little thing for Kayla back in the day. Nothing you should worry about I just thought you should know. But she was a good friend if nothing else, she helped me get over Krystal and I could go to her about anything."

"Oh okay." Was all she said looking out the window but I grabed her hand making her look back at me.

"Baby I said you don't have anything to worry about and I mean it." I said reassuring her that whatever I felt for Kayla was way over.

"Okay babe, can you just take me home I'm kind of sleepy."

I just nodded my head noticing she was still uneasy about it, but I wouldn't press the issue I just drove her home.

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