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H A R P E R    P O V

After walking Lexi to school, I head into town to grab a tea. Scott had a fair few replies for the event he is hosting. We counted them and he couldn't stop smiling. Enter the coffee shop. Find a table to sit at. Order a tea sit waiting for the waitress to bring it over to me. A guy asks if he could sit with me. Scan the cafe to see it is busy. Nod to him and he sits opposite me orders his coffee. Take my phone out to make myself look busy. "It's a beautiful day," He said, trying to make small chat. Nod he grins sips his coffee. He takes his phone out from his inside jacket pocket.

The waitress places my cup on the table and walks away to another table to take their order. Sip my hot tea gaze down at my phone, reading the text one of my sister's sent me about this event. Didn't want to reply, so I put my phone in my pocket to look around. The guy sitting at the table looks at me. "I should introduce myself." Not really taking much notice of him. "I'm Calvin," He tells me.

"Harper," I reply with a smile. I'm not interested, didn't want my heart to get broken again. We shake hands as he places his phone on the table. "It's nice to meet you. You are not from around here?" He asks. Not wanting to answer him, but I'm not rude. "I'm from England." He smiles picks up his cup takes a mouthful of coffee. "You are a long way from home," He said, raising a brow. "I work here." Finish my tea stand, he smiles.

"Hope we meet again." He says. I just nod not saying anything. Leave to make my way back to the Penthouse. I have given up on men altogether. Reach the Hotel could see the media hanging around. Walk into the entrance step over to the elevator to make my way to the Penthouse.


Enter the door, step into the lounge to see wrapped gifts neatly placed. Scott steps out from the direction of his office. "The gifts arrived this morning from some guests that couldn't make it." Shrug my shoulders walk to the stairs to go to my room but Scott had other ideas. "Harper, could you please help me move them into the spare study?" Nod at him we move all the gifts to the spare study.

Walk towards the stairs he grabs my hand swings me around to pin me against the wall. He licks his lips before he wanted to say something, but he doesn't. We stood staring at each other for the longest time until I opened my mouth. "I Did meet a nice guy this morning." He creases his brows shakes his head. "He was nice?" He leans closer to me. His lips close to my ear his warm breath blowing gently on my exposed skin. "Am I not nice?" His calm words circulated with his breath giving me a warm sensation through my body. He raises his head to look at me. Waiting for me to reply.

"MM, Yes." Stumble over my words he skims the back of his fingers over my cheek. I had to close my eyes. My entire body had caved. Falling into him he places his arm gently around my waist to hold me. To stop me from falling. "I want your full attention on Saturday." Nod at what he said. He steps away from me. "Scott." My tone is low. His eyes lock with mine. "What about your girlfriend?" He smiles shakes his head steps back towards me.

"You will have to come on Saturday." His lips press gently to mine for a split second. Raises his head laughs and walks over to the kitchen leaving me clenching my thighs. Not sure what the hell is happening or why he is so, secretive about this girl. All I know I needed to shut my heart to stop it from breaking again. Devastation and humiliation are what sweeps through my entire body when I think what Vincent and Leon had done to me. If a guy so much as looks at me with puppy eyes, I will be running in the opposite direction looking for the nearest exit. 


After collecting Lexi from school, we did a little shopping before reaching the Hotel. "Harper, have you met Scott's new girlfriend?" She asks me while we are sitting at a table in a coffee shop. Watched her strawberry milkshake slowly go down while she sucked on the straw. "I haven't met her. I have no idea who she is." I respond to her. Sit up straight in the seat take my cup to sip my hot tea. "It would be nice if you dated my brother." Spitting my mouthful out coughing from choking. Wipe the tea from the top of the table.

"Lexi. Your brother is my boss." Pause for a short few seconds she tilts her head. "Sweetie, that could never happen." Her smile fades she falls back into her seat. "Why can't it?" She is asking me questions that I really have no answers to. The only one I have is that he is my boss.

"It's complicated. And anyway, I will be returning home at some time. You will be going off to your new school in two months and will not need a sitter." She smiles and finishes her milkshake. With what she had said had my mind in a spin. Perhaps it is time I left to go home. We leave the coffee shop and walk back to the Hotel.

We are sitting in the lounge watching TV when Scott strolls in from his office. "Could I have a word please if you got the time?" I ask. He nods. Stand to follow him to his office where we sit. Look over at him sitting behind his desk. "Scott, I will be handing in my notice." He nods with a grin. "When Lexi, starts her new school I will be going back home." He stands steps around the desk takes my hands to pull me to my feet. "So, what brought this on?" He asks holding both my hands his eyes looking sad.

"It's something Lexi said and asked me. I had to try and explain to her why we couldn't date." He laughs. Reaches his fingers to my chin gently placing to tilt. "You're my boss after all." He nods still laughing at me. "I really should move out." My eyes look towards the floor.

"So, you would not date me because I'm your boss". I nod at him. "But you are handing me your resignation so, that would mean I wouldn't be your boss." Frowning at what he said feeling confused too. "Harper, I have already told you. You need to stop running and listen to me." Nod to him he releases his fingers only to hold my hands placing them behind my back in his soft grip. "All I ask is that you come to the event then make your mind up what you want to do." Not challenging what he said I nod. Whenever he is this close to me, I can never get my words out. He is making this impossible for me. I have fallen in love with him and he's my boss.

Peering over his shoulder at his desk he smiles. Releases his grip to pick a file up to hand me. "Well, your family will be arriving tonight. I have sorted the rooms for them." My eyes are like saucers from what he is saying to me. "My family are arriving tonight?" He nods. Rub my face not wanting to see them. "I hope you are ready for them?" He smiles. Take the file from him open it to see a court document. "What is this for?" He leans against his desk.

"That is the case against Leon. My lawyers did some digging, and we found out that he is a big-time con artist leaving the woman at the altars just so he could have every dime from their accounts. The police are close to catching him. Thought you would have wanted to know what he was like and why he did what he did." Place the file back on the desk. Step to the door. "Could you be ready at eight for dinner? We are going out." He adds crossing his ankles.

"Okay. I will make sure Lexi is ready too." He nods I leave. He is acting so strange to me. He didn't question me about handing in my resignation. I could travel back with my family when they leave. To be honest I don't want to do that either. 

I would rather travel without them. I just hope Scott knows what he's let himself into. My sisters are glued at the hip. When they are both together, they can get nasty. My father never had a nice word to say about me too. I am just a pushover and Scott certainly knows my weaknesses. Could my weakness be any more obvious?




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