Info ☁️

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Welcome, this is the info page, I recommend reading this page so you don't mess something up.

1. How to tell if the adopt is open or not

It's simple, the emoji if it's open ☀️ if it's closed 🌧️ if it's info/reasons why I'm not updating very often/talking about my social media and stuff ☁️.

2. Different types of adopts that I'll be doing

The different types of adopts, BTA, bio to adopt, it'll be the one I'll the most and it's basically just longer NTA (including NTA), NTA, name to adopt, it's even easier just name them, Colour Pallets, I'll be making my own colour pallets and you'll just tell me the tribe(s) and I'll choose the one that I think is the best idea, Either/Or, it's basically like: "you can either do NTA or BTA", Guess the song, (I don't know what it's called so I'm calling that) it's exactly that guess the song based on the lyrics.



1. No swearing

Children are on this, it doesn't matter how bad your day was, it doesn't matter how angry you are that I didn't give you the dragon, this book is for a all ages including children.

2. No raging

I am the owner of this book, I decide who gets the dragon not you, this is not a first come first adoption center, I want people who are creative and do something with the dragon and not just throw the Oc in their Oc pile.

3. No assuming

Don't assume that the Oc is yours just because you named the character/guessed the song/gave the character a bio, you have to put effort into it and wait for me to tell you can have it.

4. I can blacklist you

If you swear once I will warn you, twice I will "ban" you from adopting (even if you put everything needed but I will not answer to any of your comments), three times and then I will blacklist. If you rage once I will warn you, if you rage twice I will warn you again (same for the next time), if you rage four times I will "ban" you from adopting (same thing as before), five times and I will blacklist you.

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