Chapter 3

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Aura's POV

I woke up to the smell of smoke and talking.

Opening my eyes I watched the men.

Rubbing their eyes they sat around and drank something that smelled fowl.

"So Quint what are we doing today," Arthur asked.

I was curious as well.

"What we came here to do find some jungle cats. We saw some the other day so we know they are here." Quinten said.

What did he mean find them?

Just find them that's it?

Or more?

"Good cause I need more notes. We only got to study the ones in the tree. I'd really like to get a longer look at the one going through your bag," Will said pointing his pencil at Arthur.

So they were just watching us not trying to hurt us.

I was fine with that.

They all packed their bags and started to head out.

I followed always a bit behind.

Quinten was leading them to an area close to where they had seen us before.

I stopped my stalking of the nice men when I heard small cries.

They were baby panthers.

Not mine of course.

I was waiting for my mate but since I don't have a mate. I wouldn't have pups.

I had witnessed a female panther being killed a few days ago by the evil men with guns and knew that meant there was some pups alone.

Running above the men towards the pups.

When I got there I saw there was a mean looking male panther stalking towards the pups.

With a roar I launched myself at him.

We landed on the floor of the jungle. He was trying to find a vantage point but couldn't.

I had already found mine.

Biting hard I went for the jugular.

With in a few minutes whimpered and ran off making me growl at his retreat.

Climbing back up to the tree I licked the little pup. There was only one left.

I grabbed it wanting to find a good spot for him so he wouldn't die too.

Coming down the tree I stopped and was staring straight at the men.

They had apparently watched the whole thing.

Will's eyes were huge. Arthur didn't even lift his camera.

Quinten sqatted down and I backed up.

I set the pup down and let it go to him.

He didn't touch it.

Obviously thinking it was mine because if it was mine and he did touch it that would set me off and I would rip his face off.

I sat down waiting for him to pick the pup up.

Looking down at the pup he smiled and started talking to him but not touching him.

"Quinten that's the jaguar from before. The eyes are the same." Arthur said.

Then Will noted,"She's a jaguar and that's a panther pup. It's not her's"

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