First day of school

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Y/N pov
alarm went off. I groan as the light beams down on my forehead. 
"I need some darker curtains,"
I said to myself. Slowly, I turn my alarm off and lay in bed
again before my mother burst into my bedroom. "Honey 
you need to get out of bed before you're late to school,"
she said, opening my curtains as more of the sun shines
in my room. sluggishly, I got out of bed and went to my 
bathroom. I wasn't really feeling myself today. 
"Eww I look disgusting"  as I looked at myself in the mirror. 
I went and turned the shower on.  I was fiddling with my fingers 
waiting for the water to get warm.  I quickly got in and the
 warm water started to flow down my body. I turn the water off and throw 
on a random hoodie and ripped jeans.  
I'm applying some mascara not really feeling like going 
all out. I wanted to let my hair air dry as I walked out the bathroom.
I started going downstairs when I saw my mother and my 
little sister preparing pancakes. My dad was on the sofa 
with a cigarette in his hand and three empty bottles of beer on the table. It
wasn't a big disappointment that my father was an alcoholic man. 
It began with his closest best friend, and his little brother died in a car accident.


 "Y / f / n) you're sure you can drive if you had like three drinks." 
Nathan said to his older brother while keeping his intoxicated
 best friend in the back seat. "Relax man" y / f / n said to his little 
brother when he started the engine. Ten minutes later, Y / F / N 
slapped his foot on the gas pedal jokily.  " Dude slow down,"
 Nathan said as he continued to hang tight 
to his best friend while staring at Y / F / N. "What you were
 afraid of," said Y / F / N, pressing the gas pedal harder and 
staring at his terrified brother. "DUDE LOOK OUT" Nathan 
said that while Y / F / N was trying to slow down, it was too late.
 All happens
very fast. Y / F / N woke up from a two-month coma and was 
shocked at the news he had received whilst lying in a freezing
 hospital bed. His brother and best friend did not survive the 
accident. Y / F / N needed to learn how to walk again.  
                                                                                       End of flashback

Since that day, my dad will come home intoxicated or high 
at night. My parents have been arguing every day and night.
 It came to the point that my mother is threatening to file for
 a divorce. I know my dad's trying to make it easier, but I find that
 hard to believe. 
"You should eat honey so you can go to school," said my mother,
interrupting my thoughts. I went to the kitchen and sat down next 
to my sister. She looks busy so I decided not to say anything to her.
 My mother was smiling at a text on her phone that I can see through
 her glasses. I saw someone send her a red heart emoji.  
 My mother saw me staring and turned off her phone and started 
walking to the door, "Y / N you're walking to school and walking
 home. I have a long meeting to go to. I love you girls and have a
 good first day of school."  She said she was going out to the house. 
I turn to my sister, but she was already looking at me, "Now I'm not 
walking to school, or  walking home from school," my sister told me.

Guys sorry it's short I not really good at this this is my first time
It will get better I promise "JuST Be PAtIeNt DaMn"(Iykyk)
628 words

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