At school

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"I can call my best friend Andrew for a lift." I told my sister as
I was dialing Andrew's phone. 
"Hey Slut" andrew said on the other line, "Hey can you take us
to school," I said while I was still staring at my sister. 
"Yea, aren't your mom supposed to take you to school." "Well, yes,
but she had a meeting she had to go to. so we are trapped at home."
 "Okay, I'm on my way." Ten minutes later, Andrew pulled up at
the house honking his horn. My sister and I are taking our bags and
heading out of the house. "Hey girlies you're excited for your first day
of school," 
Andrew said, handing me the aux and playing my song. "Yes,
we're ready for our schedule," my sister said on her phone. 
"Omg, I hope I get a class with the bell twins," Andrew said,
driving up the parking lot. "They're so hot  I can actually imagine
one of them bending me over the counter and- 'I think we've
heard enough of them,' I said, cutting him 
off, 'Plus they're straight,' I said hoppin out of the car.

Time skip...

I began going to the math class the bell has already rung. I was running
late. I eventually made my way to the math class and rushed my way in
"Your late," the teacher said, "I 'm sorry it's not going to happen again"
I stuttered when I glanced around the room. I've seen the same familiar
faces. Thank goodness It's my last year 
in high school, and I've never seen these people again. "Arent you're going
to sit down," said the teacher, heading to his desk. 
I saw an empty chair, but I quickly noticed that I was sitting next to my
biggest bully at school. His name was Hunter, who used to 
spread rumors about me after I broke up with him on Valentine's Day,
when I caught him kissing another girl in the middle of the hallways.


 I was getting ready for Valentine's Day. I wanted to tell my boyfriend that
I wasn't going to school, but I ended up surprising him. I got all  dressed
up wearing a dress and some lipstick, and some mascara and I spread his
favorite perfume.
I take his presents and head into the school building when I get to the end
of the hallway I pause in my tracks when I see a girl kissing my boyfriend in
his lockers. I dropped all my presents as I ran down the hallways when I
heard the hunter call me, but I kept running eventually he caught up and
pushed me into the lockers. "I-I didn't know you were going to show up
at school" Hunter with sadness in his eyes "HOW LONG!" I said as Macara
ran down my face and caught everyone's attention. "HOW LONG have you
been cheating on me with her," I asked, hurting
my voice, I saw people pulling out their phones filming us. I could no
longer bear to look at all the people filming and laughing. I 
got out of his hold and ran out of the school building, not looking back.

                                                                                End of flashback

As I was about to sit down, the hunter pushed my chair, making me fall,
making everyone look up and chuckle. 
"SETTLE DOWN CLASS" The teacher called out. The bell finally rang, and
they all got up and left their first period. I was walking to the cafeteria, and
I saw Andrew and my group of friends talking at the table. "Hey guys," I said,
sitting between Andrew and my friend Jose, "Hey whore guess what," Andrew

said with food in his mouth. "Finish chewing, then talk to me," 
I said, taking out my phone. "GUESS WHO GOT THREE CLASSES WITH THE
BELL TWINS!" He said
eventually done chewing "Who" I said knowing the answer "Me boo."
"They're even having a party at their house . 
Their parents won't be home for another two weeks." Andrew said,
taking another bite of his food. "Yeah you should go you never really go
out to parties
anyway" Jose said. "I dont know i'll think about it" I said, getting ready to

Time skip..

."Y / N you should attend the party ." My sister said taking out the outfit
from my wardrobe. I wanted to go to the party, but I didn't have
any party clothes to wear. I called up andrew to take us 

to the mall to pick out a dress. "Omg you're going to wear this one. It reveals
your curves, and you could really make Hunter jealous." Andrew said picking
up a red tight dress. "Eh, I don't know it's going to suit me." "oh c'mon y / n
you may be capable of taking out any girls or boys," Andrew said with a grin.
Andrew is the only one who knows that i'm bi besides my sister. I can't tell my
parents because they're extremely homophobic and that they might kick me
out of the house or say that I'm sick and need help. As I was about to  step into
a girl's dressing room, I unintentionally bump into someone to cause me to fall
over them. "Yo watch where the fuck you're going."A girl with a 
hood on her. I still couldn't see her, but she had bright blue eyes and plump
pink lips. "I'm sorry," I said.
getting up off from her and took out my hand to lift her up. which she gladly
took. "It's all right, by the way my name is billie," she said, shaking my hand. her
"Hi my name is Y / N" She looks so gorgeous I finally see her full features that
she has beautiful dimples when she talks.   
She had a green root under her hood, and I honestly got lost in her ocean gaze.
Her pink plumps lips made me want to 
kiss her if I had a chance. "Hey eyes up here," Billie said with a smirk.  My cheeks
were all flushed with embarrassment. 
" I got to go, it was nice meeting you," I said, walking quickly to the changing room, I
could feel her eyes following me as I went into the changing room

Im not who you think I am( Still in progress)Where stories live. Discover now