Chapter 3:

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Hayden's POV:

After about five minutes, they stopped tickling me. I couldn't breath.

"You guys are jerks." I said still catching my breath.

"Hey. We are not jerks. We just like annoying people." Colby said in duh voice. I shook my head.

"I'm getting in pajamas losers. Where did you put my luggage?" I asked turning to Colby.

"Out the window." He shrugged. My eyes widened.

"I'm just kidding. Wow you really do think we are jerks. It's in your room on the bed." I sighed in relief and walked back to my room.

The door shut behind me and muscular arms wrapped around my waist.

"Hey babe." Jon said in his sexy raspy voice.

"Hey Jonathan." I sung to annoy him. He groaned.

"I hate my full name." I smirked. He pushed me back on the bed and started tickling me. I was laughing so hard again.

"Jon. Stop." I said in between laughs. Jon being Jon had to take it to the next level. By that I mean he started kissing my neck. I pushed him off.

"Jon stop." He looked at me confused.

"Why can't I have my girl?" He groaned.

"Because your girl is bleeding right now." I told him. He was confused at first but then got it. He groaned.

"Really. Come on I'll go gentle. Babe come on. I can't wait a week." He whined. I sighed and laid down shoving my face in the pillow.

"Not tonight Jon. My stomach hurts." I felt the bed shift. He laid beside me.

"Well what do you want to do then?" He asked wrapping his arm around me.

"I thought we were supposed to hang with the guys?" He shrugged.

"If you want to we can. Or we could just say you don't feel well and watch a movie in here or something." I turned and laid on my side cuddled into his chest.

"I like that idea better."

"Well I have to get up and tell them really quick." I groaned.

"Ok. I'll get in pajamas." I got out of bed and grabbed my pajamas and threw my shit on then jumped on the bed and got under the covers. Jon came back in and shut the door.

"They said ok." He said then came and laid back down. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I snuggled into his chest.

I was slowly falling asleep until my phone started ringing.

"Ugh. Babe can you grab that for me?" I asked Jon. He grabbed it off of the nightstand and gave it to me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey sissy. My stomach hurts and I was wondering if I could come over and hang with you? Please. I'm lonely and sick." She begged. I sighed.

"Fine I'm in room 207 6th floor." Then I hung up. Dean looked at me weird.

"It was just my boyfriend. He's coming over to fuck me. So you might want to leave. Unlike you I wouldn't want you to see me fucking someone else behind your back. " I snapped at him. He was taken back by my outburst but that quickly turned to anger. He got up an slammed the door shut behind him. I burst into tears. I hate being on my period. I always am so moody.

I curled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep. I was then awoken when someone laid next to me.

"Hey sissy. What's wrong?" Morgan hugged me. I turned onto my side so I could look at her.

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