A walk home 🏡

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She took another long sip of tea. "How do I know you're not some stalker waiting to get me alone and murder me?"

"Because stalkers are usually greasy weirdos and not incredibly handsome and charming suitors."

"And where do you factor in there?"

"Ha. ha." He said flatly, "I'm the suitor. I'm not stalking you, I swear. I just want to take you out."

She leaned back in her chair, looking him up and down. "No." His heart sank. "But...we close at 8:30. And you can walk me home."

Dylan grinned. "I can work with that." He checked his watch. It was just past five. "Oh shit. I told my sister I'd meet her for a beer." He hopped off the table and grabbed the still full cup of chamomile. "But I'll be back. Here. 8:30."

She nodded wryly. "8:30."

He righted himself and exited, trying to look casual.

Unknown to him, Wendy watched out the store window as he victoriously punched the air.


Dylan caught her just as she was locking the doors.

"You're late." She said, without looking up from the task at hand.

"Only a few minutes."

Wendy slipped the key ring into her black bag and turned toward the street. He looked after her, admiring her ass in those high waisted shorts. Not to mention the thigh-high fishnet stockings. She looked over her shoulder impatiently.

"Are you coming?"

He caught up to her quickly, his long strides overtaking her short ones.

"It's not far."

"That's too bad. I thought we could get to know each other a little."

Wendy rummaged through her bag and withdrew a lighter and a joint, which she put to her lips. Dylan laughed.

"You just going to spark up walking down main street?"

She glanced sideways at him, then took a long drag and shrugged. "Sure am but thank you for your concern, Mom." She proffered the the joint.

"Okay, okay." He took it, puffed, and coughed as he handed it back, a little embarrassed by her amused smile.

"You don't have to smoke it."

"Nah, it's- I like it but I'm not used to it. Didn't smoke in high school or college. It's still new."

"Oh yeah? You know you got kind of a stoner look going on." She took another drag and offered the joint again.

"Ah, I've been told. But no," he admitted, inhaling. "Don't want to brag but I was a basketball star back in the day. And I ran track and field. Wasn't taking any chances with the ol' lungs."

"Back in the day, huh?" She glanced at him up and down. He was only a few years out of college and still in fantastic shape.

"Uh huh. Taurus, remember? Strong like bull." He struck a pose and Wendy coughed up a cloud of smoke laughing.

"Sure you are." She directed him down a side street.

"Hey, I still got it."

"Oh yeah?"


"Could you pick me up?" Wendy took a final puff, dropped the butt, and stamped it out with her platforms. Dylan turned to face her.
"What are you like 100 pounds? I could pick you up, bench press you, and toss you around like pizza dough."

"Let's see it."

He raised his eyebrows. "Okay."

Before Wendy could respond she was swept off her feet - literally - and into Dylan's arms, bridal style. On instinct she clasped her arms around his neck.

"See? Easy." He rocked his arms back and forth experimentally then swung around in a circle to demonstrate.

"Okay, you made your point- ah!" She shrieked as he tossed her a couple of inches in the air, automatically burying her face in the crook of his neck and clamping her legs around his torso to hang on.

When she looked up again they were face to face, any semblance of joking gone from his expression.

Dylan's heart pounded, more from excitement than exhaustion. Slow, agonizingly slow, she tilted her head and closed the space between their lips. He held her closer, the feeling of her body molding to his own intoxicating.

She pulled back suddenly, as if embarrassed by her own forwardness, and he lowered her gently to the ground.

"We're here."

He blinked, feeling a little dazed. Whether it was from the pot or the kiss was anyone's guess.

"Huh?" The cartoonish stupidity of his own voice brought him crashing down to earth. Wendy was walking up the stairs to a blue duplex and sifting through her purse.

"Well?" She withdrew her keys and unlocked the door. "Are you coming in?"

Woot woot it about to get freaky in hereeee!!!

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