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✨ Hello, again and welcome to another exciting contest on SHIMMERY.


-10-15 objects will be listed in this chapter. You're to select one subject. As always, more than two people can select an object.

-The theme of the objects can be based on a song, photoshoot or anything related to the selected object.

-Please read the 'rules chapter' and ensure you've followed all rules before acceptance.

- The password on this contest is the object chosen (important).

- Kindly ensure you make your submissions before the stated deadline, or you'd be disqualified. We won't want to keep bothering our judges with notifications on late entries. Please understand.


-Title: Name of object chosen

-Subtitle: Your choice

-Author: Your Username

-Face claim: Centered on object chosen (the use of models, photoshoots, allowed-)

-Theme (color) : Any

-Genre : Any

-Size: 512 × 800

Max number of participants : 30

No of entries per participants: 1

Deadline: 16th, October, 2020

✨ Objects;

1. Umbrella

2. Apple

3. Teddy bear

4. Red shoes

5. Ramen

6. Denim

7. Strawberry

8. Headphones

9. Gowns

10. Rose

11. Tulip

12. Coconut

13. Fur

14. Feather


-Username :


-Tags(5+) :

-Rules followed :

Fill form here ----

SHIMMERY: A Graphic Contest | CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now