||The King of Nightmares||

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Kage Tanner Mare

Nightmare King
King Creepy



February 17th




His true name long since forgotten, Mare took up his current John Hancock in order to blend into society. A demon of very dark pleasures, he enjoys the human finery that is wine, classical music, and beautiful men and women. He is patient, unlike his demonic brothers and sisters, able to calm his temper before it can truly blow up. When he smiles, his left canine sticks out over his bottom lip, a quirky thing that usually makes him look goofy, in his opinion. Even with his peaceful mindset, he can bring down Hell upon those that irritate him. He does not like it when the same question is asked several times, believing that one answer is all a person gets. Sometimes he lies, only to draw people in. Lying is, surprisingly, not his favorite thing to do. He grows uncomfortably tense whenever he has to fib, like a hot iron being pressed against his skin. Curiosity flows through him, and he sates this thirst with books, tomes, and various novels. His mind is old compared to his younger looking body, and he has picked up multiple hobbies and interests to pass the time when he is not romancing someone.

- Wine
- Classical music
- Violins
- Collecting postcards
- His extremely expensive warehouse, which was renovated to hold the vast amount of literature that he has accumulated over the millennia.
- Cats
- Dressing up, since he knows people seem to lose their minds over handsome men in suits.

- Questions he deems irrelevant.
- Broccoli
- Modern music
- Rainy or yucky weather
- The color blue
- Boredom, he grows quite restless easily.
- Having to constantly keep up with the changing world, often leading to the consideration of holding up in his warehouse with his books and alcohol.

He owns various successful bars, so he's his own boss.

- His patience, he gives one too many chances to those that do not deserve them.
- Kage can be too quick to shut out those that mean well, having lived alone besides the occasional fling.
- Stubborn, he does not back down, even when he should.

Even with his advanced age, he has limited powers -
• Teleportation (He can only move to a place that he has been before, unless he wants to risk ending up in solid rock or a building).
• Shapeshifting (To keep up the appearance of beauty, he often shifts into the guise of Kage. He cannot turn into animals or other people. Only his demon form and his human form).
• Fear (Simply put, his demonic form is enough to make the fiercest of man's bowels turn to liquid).

He was born from the pits of Hell, no mother or father to speak of, really. He does consider fellows demons to be his brothers and sisters, though.

Kage was made from fire, fear, and stone. He grew up under the cruel tutelage of an older demon, learning to shape himself into the human form he takes when not in Hell. Even with the dark workings at hand, Kage learned to appreciate humanity's bravery, its hope to survive even after the worst has happened. His interest in literature began when he was quite young, with fairytales and folklore. He ate the idea of princesses and knights up, deciding that he could do his duty, but he did not have to be wholly evil. He is a knight in shining, black armor. He could easily save you as well as kill you. When masquerading as a human, he keeps a nice appearance, the idea of demons being above humanity drilled into his head ever since he took his first breath. He keeps a nice form because he never liked the idea of a sloppy image. His brothers often tease him about his issues with dirty clothing, but he knows he is merely doing what he has to blend in. Kage wants to win, win at pretending to be human. If it means enduring the scorn of his peers, then so be it. The demon in sheep's clothing, some say.

None, really.

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