||The Dame of Steel||

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Marcella Lynne Hart

Lady of Hearts



June 12th




Marcella is made of steel, a lady who has no qualms about putting herself first. She can be strong, but she also lets a few tears escape whenever the emotional stress gets too high. Self-care is something that is deeply important to her, and she can be found taking bubble baths and jogging or painting to relieve stress. Arguments are hard for her, as she often finds herself blushing whenever she fights with someone, which leads to unwanted tears. She still doesn't know why she cries whenever she's angry or emotional, rather wanting to be stoic during tough times. Her laughter is contagious, and she is funny when humor is needed most. Marcella is a tender-heart, unable to turn people away in need. She loves to help, often taking in stray animals or giving her last dime to someone. Despite her cheery nature, she is also snarky and can be sarcastic when angry.

- She loves sunshine, the warmth a nice day can bring.
- Her favorite animal is the dog, any kind is loved.
- A pastime she often engages in is pool, loving to play the game with friends.
- Sometimes, she drinks coffee.
- Her mother used to call her a rat, because she loves shiny things, like jewelry.
- Marcella is very shy, so she enjoys quiet time by herself with a book.
- Chocolate is a true weakness.

- Marcella is deathly afraid of heights, often avoiding places where she knows will have an unprotected height.
- The lady is not a fan of perfume.
- She is prone to become tongue tied, which irks her when trying to appear suave or confident.
- For breakfast, she prefers a plate of eggs and bacon to cereal.
- Not really into romance novels, she loves horror series.
- If she had to pick a style, it would be casual. She does not like getting dressed up.
- Spiders frighten her.

Her dream job is to photograph old things.

- Often, she quits when things get tough, even when she wants to show people that she can be more than what they think of her.
- She's too trusting in everyone.
- Okay, Marcella can be nosy and puts herself in the middle of a situation where she does not belong.

- Adelinda Hart (mother)
- George Hart (father)
- Phoebe Hart (sister)

Marcella grew up in a nice home, living amongst a maid and a butler as her parents jetted around the world, taking photos of everything they could find. Phoebe, her sister, was shipped off to a Swedish boarding school when she was eight, with Marcella going off to California for her own education. It was there that Marcella learned to drink in the warmth of the sun, to breathe and be calm whenever she became overwhelmed by something. When she was seventeen, Ms. Hart received a camera from her father, and this nurtured her love for photography. She sat back and watched Phoebe grow up, documenting the life of her little sister in various photo albums and videos. Unlike her parents, who mastered in flora and fauna, Marcella focused on old things (like haunted buildings).

When stressed, she often hums.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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