Caught (2)

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It was night, and Clover was still not back. I decided I'd go and look for her.

I walked to my small house area that served like my room and began to pick up a black jumpsuit that I always wear. I stripped my cleaning clothes off and put my jumpsuit on. I reached for my black combat boots and put them on to my liking by tightening the laces. Then I moved to my stolen ODM gear that I now own and began to strap myself.

Satisfied with the strap placements, I slip on my black leather gloves and put my mask on. I set my hair up in a high messy bun to add the final touches.

I walk over to the door and I open it as I walk through it. I place my heel on the outside of the door and close the door behind me.

I began running in the direction where Clover could be. Then I jumped when I put the hooks on a building and started to zip through the area in search of Clover.

Using the ODM gear has always been my favorite thing to do. It makes me feel like I am free at last, and I don't have any sort of concern in the world. All I'm focused on is the wind rushing through my face, and how it makes me feel like I'm flying.

Honest respect for the man who invented this thing.

Gliding through the sky, I remember my conversation with Clover when she told me that she could be caught up playing with cats. Praying to the walls that she just got caught up feeding them or something.

I changed my course to go over to the alley with the cats Clover always goes to. I spotted and landed in the alley to start my search.

Walking through the alleyway in the dark was not it. The moon reflected through the alley making it a little easier to see. 

I was walking until I was stopped by something rubbing against my leg. I started freaking out a bit, almost kicking the thing before I looked down and saw a small kitten.

It was black with the portion of its face covered in white. 

"You scared me a little." I said picking up the small creature. It's blue eyes staring at me. I checked and it was a male kitten.

"You're lucky you're not a rat or I would've stomped on you. Now have you seen a girl around here?" I said to the cat hoping it would somehow respond. Why the fuck am I talking to a cat. I have gone crazy.

It started purring up against me letting out a small meow. Looking at the sight of the little kitten showing me affection was a bit odd to me.

"Ok then." I let the kitten down. It was a little sad that I let it down and began to give me sad kitty eyes. 

I sighed and picked him up again, putting it on my shoulder. 

"You're fortunate that you're kind of cute kitty cat." In somewhat an answer, the kitten let out a tiny meow.

I started walking around more with a kitten on my shoulder, hoping to find Clover deeper in the alley. But she wasn't there at all. I was really worried now. Where are you Clover?

I suddenly began hearing little footsteps behind me due to my sharp hearing. I quickly turned to face my back and saw the emergence of a tiny shadowed figure.

"Is that you Cl-" I tried to question, but the figure charged full speed trying to tackle me not letting me finish my sentence.

I quickly step to the side making it miss me. Immediately after missing, the figure advanced quickly and approached me from my left. I dodged again and quickly started to run away from it.

I took my handles out of my ODM gear and hooked up to a building with my hooks. The kitten hung on my shoulders with his claws, scratching into my jumpsuit and skin.

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