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Hey guys.. this is the special past chapter this is the chapter that explains about Hero's dad.. it came to my attention by one of my best friends to who this book series is dedicated too brought to my attention that I said in the first book his dad was dead and then in the second book he moves on and had another family so here is the chapter explaining the link between those chapters..

Sorry for any confusion and enjoy!!
- Belle


Twenty years ago(when Hero was a child)

HERO P.O.V. (age 10)

Mum is at work and I am at school and everyone has been talking about their dad's lately and how their dads do stuff with them every single weekend... I wish I could do that but my dad is dead so I cannot hang out with him because he is in a coffin down in the ground. But I have my mum and sister so that's enough for me.. this weekend anyway mum is taking us to the lake house for the long weekend.

AGE 16

It's my sixteenth birthday dad.. whoever thought I would be visiting your grave on my birthday... I know, for the last couple of months, you are probably disappointed but I am trying to be better I promise dad... I working now to help support mum with the bills cause it been a bit hard since mum lost her job.. she is now working in a diner just to put food on the table... I love you dad and I wish you were here...

AGE 18

Well, dad, I graduated today from highschool and I am taking over Uncle Nick business I was doing an internship with him cause the last six months I have been heading to college for a quick start... I got in when I was playing football... I promise I would make you proud dad.. Mum is proud of me too..

AGE 21 (Hero finds out the truth)

So for the last couple of days, I have been feeling so lost, I supposed to take over the business in a few days... I have really no one to look up at I am basically making this up as I go.. I never had a father figure in my life... My football team kicked me off and I can't afford to live at college anymore and I don't wanna make mum one disappointed or stress so I am actually living with Uncle Nick. I rocked up on his driveway a few nights ago...

I hear him onto the phone with someone and at the door was a knock.. so I walk to the front door and open it and there standing is my not so dead dad.. So I pretend if I didn't know him..

"Um Hello, how can I help you?"

"Um mate, My name is David and I am your father?"

"Why the fuck are you saying that as a question, you should know if you are my deadbeat of a father."

My uncle comes out of nowhere and said "David what are you doing here?" "I came here to see my son" This is when I step in and said "I don't need you nor want you in my life so get the fuck outta here" He looked at me in shock and I walked away.. I heard him yell my name "HERO" "HERO"

And that was the last time I saw him again... Sure it was my fault because I pushed him out of my life again but he left me when I needed him the most and sure I might need a parent in my life but I sure don't want him and I never ever wanna see him again.


That's why my dad was horrible and disrespectful to Sam when we to my cousin's birthday because I didn't want him in my life when he randomly put up on my uncle's doorstep and to this day I still never have... Sure I fix things with my mum but I really only ever needed one parent. 

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