Chapter 6

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It has been 4 days since that happened and Im starving everyday one of the guard would come in and pull up the back of my shirt and get a meatal stick and hit the back of my back several times and I think my back has started bruising I was about to give up when Ii heard the door open once again and I stood up against the wall with my back showing and my shirt up when someone turned me around and I saw Harry I jumped to him hugging him with tears falling down my face "ok come on we need to get you out of here" I nodded and a little elf came in and said "Hello im Dobby I have come to help Harry Potter get Ms Malfoy out" I smiled and said "Oh hi Dobby I know you you used to serve us" he smiled and said "Dobby now serves nobody" I smiled but Bellatrix walked in and threw a knife and Dobby teleported us.

we were at a beach and I saw Harry holding Dobby "Dobby sty with us please" Harry said in pain but Dobby then whispered "Dobby his happy" he then stopped giving any sign of life and I hugged Harry and I looked down at Dobby and whispered "he was a great elf Harry I've known him since I was little he was always my best friend" he hugged me and I then pulled out the necklace Harry slipped in my pocket and put it around Dobby's neck and we sat there I then heard Hermione and Ron running to us and once they saw Dobby they hugged us and Hermione said hugging me "we've been worried sick especially Harry" Harry then lifted up Dobby and we walked over to the top of a little sand hill and buried him walking into the beach house I said "they tortured me" I then lifted up the back of my shirt where my whole back was bruised and had red lines and I showed what Bellatrix carved into my arm Hermione hugged me and said "thank you so much" I smiled and then pulled out the Hallcrux their jaws dropped and Harry took it and said "how on earth did you get your hands on it" I looked up and said "it was just in my pocket" Ron grabbed a sword and destroyed it "Voldemort I dont know if he read my mind either I tried so he couldn't but I just dont know" I said sitting on the couch "Harry sat down next to me and whispered "Im so sorry for what happened what did they do after we left" "Well they tortured me in front of all the students and did the Cruciatus curse on me then Draco was ordered to o it and when I didn't speak they threw me into the dungeon and haven't given me food or water for 4 days" Harry hugged me and got me water and some food that was in the fridge "thanks but Harry Voldemort is after you I- I think you are part of him" he nodded and dismissed it and said "we need to get moving tomorrow I'll sleep down here with Ava you two can go upstairs" Ron and Hermione nodded and walked up the stairs into a bedroom and Harry slept on a arm chair next to the couch I was on and  I dont think any of us could sleep.

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