Chapter 8

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After a while of us sitting there and me practicing my magic I heard someone outside and Harry took my wand I walked out and saw Ron and Hermione "hey" Hermione said dropping her bag I stormed over to her furious I had the necklace on and I threw her bag and yelled "Hermione Ronald you come back after 3 days I've been worried sick and you come back and just say hey" I then turned around and stormed to Harry and yelled "Harry where's my wand" he shook his head and said "I dont know" "Harry Potter where is my wand" I yelled and he pulled me in making me look into his eyes and he hugged me and I settled down and I backed away and stormed into the tent "she has the necklace on so I'm just tying to survive when she has it on just be nice" Harry whispered as they entered I was sitting on my bed looking at the wall when Harry come over and sat next to me and took the necklace off of me and I hugged him and he sat there with me until I fell asleep.

I woke up from a vision Voldemort tortured me with when I fell asleep and I looked up seeing it was early and I sat up and didn't see anyone so I walked out and saw they were getting taken by hunters and I ran down and when the hunters saw me they yelled "stupefy" and I was launched back and one of them tackled me and said to his mate "we got a Malfoy she's a feisty one" he chuckled and tied me up throwing me on the wagon "Let me go" I yelled and they just laughed and thats when I saw Harry's face it was all sowlen he looked at me and I looked at him. I couldnt speak because I had a cloth tightly tied around my mouth and one of the guards threw Hermione in the wagon and I jumped up but the guards held me back and tied me down "let me go" I mumbled and they jut laughed I looked at Harry and he grabbed my hand I saw a tear roll down his face and I gripped his hand and we sat there until we arrived at Malfoy Manor.

The strongest guard grabbed me and dragged me out and made m wrist red he dragged us into a room and he threw me to the floor in front of my parents and Voldemort and I saw Draco surprised in the corner "we found them in the forest" the leader said as Harry, Ron and Hermione came in "Draco is this Harry Potter" Father  said grabbing his collar I jumped up and I got tackled o the ground "Let go of me you filthy rats" I yelled "let go of her she wont give up, she's stubborn" Father said dragging me up by the ropes that tied my hands behind my back "you are in big trouble miss" He yelled in a whisper I just looked away in disgust. Draco untied me and I snatched his wand and grabbed the three and ran into a room locking the door and as it was forced open we teleported to Hogwarts. We got there and there was a heap of students "Harry why are they here" I said holding Draco's wand up "Lower the wand their here to help" Harr said pushing my wand down I lowered the wand and Harry then said "how are we getting in" I smirked and said "I know how but I need help, I need Harry to sneak in with Ron and Hermione is there a meeting or something" I said looking at the students Oliver walked up and said "well we are having a meeting with Snape hes in charge none of the professors like him so we just need to get you guys in Ava where are we going" I smirked and lead them into a secret tunnel "these are the tunnels they go everywhere in Hogwarts hey can get us to the Great Hall" Harry smiled and said "Ava you bloody genius" I walked in and told Oliver "ok just get to that meeting room I'll get them through we have 1 minute before it starts we'll be there soon" he nodded and took all the students to Hogwarts "The war has started" I whispered and we walked through the tunnels until we got to the Great Hall and I slipped open a secret door and saw the students covering it so we can get through. We were waiting when Snape said "I have been notified that Harry Potter was on the school premises if anyone knows anything about it please step forward" I stepped out and Harry came after me "Hello Snape you might have to improve your security" Harry chuckled I looked at professor McGonagall and her jaw dropped "Tell them Severus tell them how dare you stand where Dumbledore did tell them how he died" I said holding a wand out. He stumbled with words and I yelled "this is war Severus" and shot a spell but he disappeared before it reached him. Professor McGonagall lit the lanterns up and everyone cheered Professor McGonagall called us up and I said in front of everyone "This is war we must fight for Hogwarts or... we will all die" everyone nodded and the professor's walked out side. Mrs Weasley and Slughorn did a magical spell around the castle a shield "Harry go get the last Hallcrux" I whispered and he ran off I saw Mrs McGonagall make the stone statues come to life and they went on the bridge. I saw the death eaters come and they looked at the shield and I saw Voldemort come to the front and pointed t the shield and all the death eaters started shooting spells which made it crack.

Harry Hurry" I mumbled rushing students inside some of them stayed outside and some went inside I stood up front with the professor's and thats when the shield broke and death eaters along with their monsters started rushing in. I got surrounded by spiders when Draco appeared behind me I smiled and he smiled back we shot spiders one by one.

The monsters were starting to decrease when they all retreated behind Voldemort and Draco dragged me back towards the door and I saw Hagrid holding Harry life less I screamed running towards him with tears running down my face when Cedric grabbed me holding me back "Harry answer me please" I begged crying and Voldemort's laughed saying "we have two lovers but guess what HARRY POTTER IS DEAD" I cried and yelled "Please Harry answer me" Voldemort then said "We ask you to join us anyone" Mother and Father started calling Draco over he looked at me and with his head down walked over and Voldemort gave him a awkward hugged and I yelled "Dont touch my brother you snake" he laughed and launched me back when I got up and Neville and I walked up "I was hoping for something better" Voldemort chuckled and the death eaters started laughing "People die everyday Harry has just died but he will always be with us he is in your hearts" Neville said taking a step closer thats when Harry was dropped out of Hagrid's arms and he started running I smiled with joy and I ran after him with Voldemort chasing him and Voldemort ran up the stairs with him  and Harry got conered on a tower ledge and all I heard was "Tom lets finish how we started together" and he grabbed him and they fell off the tower I screamed and collapsed crying and got up running down the stairs and saw Harry and Voldemort having light beams hit eachohter and Voldemort then fell before he died he turned around and yelled at me "Avada Kedavra" and I fell to the ground.

Harry ran over to me and picked me up "No no no you'll be k Ava you'll be ok" He whispered with tears falling down his face I cupped his cheek and whispered "I love you move on have a good life have kids have a life I'll always be with you Harry" I then closed my eyes and stopped breathing Harry cried holding me and Draco ran over and hugged me whispering "Im so sorry Ava" and he put me down back to Harry and got up and walked into the garden. "Good bye Ava" Harry whispered kissing my head.

-19 Years later-

I watched as Harry with his wife watched his son and daughter Albus and Ava board the train and they waved good bye I watched Harry grow old and his wife to until they died and I watched Albus and Ava grow up. I was happy...

-Than you for reading :)-

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