Part eight

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I woke up to someone shaking me."Babygirl it's time to wake up." I groan. Luca. "Nooooo. I just want to sleep." I groggily respond. "Come on. The twins are taking you shopping." Luca exclaimed.  I immediately shot out of bed and went to the bathroom. I heard Luca laugh as he walked out of my room.

I got undressed and turned on the shower. As I was waiting for it to heat up, I looked at my belly. It was perfectly round but, I had a lot of stretch marks. They were very noticeable. I didn't think it was cute but I'm growing a baby so what can I do about it?

I hop into the shower then I start to wash my body. I wash the soap off then I move onto my hair. It was coconut shampoo and conditioner. It was the best smelling thing ever!

After I'm done, I hop out and wrap myself with a towel. As I was about to drop my towel, I saw a figure dressed in all black just sitting in my balcony. How did they get all the way up there? They must have one of those painting things that wrap around your body. I let out a ear piercing scream. The figure immediately jumped off the balcony. It looked like he had some sort of parachute and no more than 5 seconds past and all my brothers were in my room.

"What the fuck happened?" Xander said.

"Are you okay?" Alessandro exclaims.

"Who do I need to kill?"Luca spits.

I just started to break down. It doesn't help that my brothers all have their fists clenched and ready to pounce. "T-they're was s-someone in the balcony!" I reply. Blake hugs me but I don't hug back because I still have a towel on.  "Fuck, Delilah I'm so sorry. We will deal with it." Luca said, pointing to the twins. Luca and the twins just rush out of the room which leaves Blake and Alessandro. I wish Gabby was here, but she is at work right now. 

"U-uhm I guess I'm not going shopping since the twins left?" I muttered. "Hey nonsense. Sandro can take you. I would, but I'm going to work then meeting Gabby for lunch." Blake tells me. Alessandro's eyes widen. "But Blake we have that...thing...going on today." Alessandro tells Blake. "Well, tell them to reschedule it. Our sister is more important." Blake responds, getting irritated. "Whatever man." Alessandro says also irritated. "It's okay we can wait until tomorrow. You guys can do your...thing...whatever that may be." I say not wanting to ruin their work. Which I still need to ask them what it is that they do.

"No don't worry about it. We are the bosses. We can do whatever we want, when we want." Alessandro tells me. "Well okay then. But can you guys get out so I can get dressed." I say with a smirk. Alessandro and Blake's face flush and they leave the room. I giggle at the action.

Since nothing fits me anymore, I put on some leggings and an oversized hoodie. The hoodie, mostly because I don't want people to judge me. I slip on my black vans and walk out of my room. I waddle down the stairs, holding onto the railing because if I don't, I'm gonna fall flat on my face.

Once I make it down the stairs, my first stop is the kitchen. I head into the freezer and grab a tub of chocolate ice cream and then grab potato chips and put it on the ice cream. I grab a spoon and make my way to the table and begin to dig in.

"Why the fuck are you eating when we are about to leave?" Alessandro asks me. "Um because I can." I say proudly. "You know what. I don't even wanna get on your bad side so let's go" He says to me. I just laugh.

When Alessandro and I get to the shopping center. We go into a bunch of baby stores and pick out cute girly things for the baby and then he starts picking up the big necessities, like the crib and a little sink bathtub for her. Those were of course carried by the body guards.

After we go overboard on baby girl shopping, Alessandro drags me into stores that are more my style but I can't even wear them because I look like a whale right now.

While looking for hoodies and Alessandro separated from me looking at dresses, I see a group of girls who are looking at crop tops and short skirts staring at me. One of the girls who has bleached blonde hair, the shortest skirt ever and a top that make her boobs look way bigger than the actually are comes over to me. Her face is caked on with make up and her fruity perfume is enough to make me pass out.

"Hey bitch I think you're in the wrong store. This store is for skinny, pretty girls, like myself." She says to me. "Um okay sorry." I mumble. "What I'm trying to say is 'get the fuck out of here'! " She yells at me. "I think she will stay right where she is." A deep voice says behind me. I look behind me and see that it's Alessandro.

"Oh hey hot stuff. I'm just trying to take the trash out. I don't want a whore like her in this store." The plastic barbie says to Alessandro. She better shut up right now because if it was Luca here, he would have knocked her out.

"That so called whore is my fucking sister. We are going to leave this store right fucking now and when we get to our 65th floor penthouse, I'm going to end your career and make sure that you don't ever say some stupid shit like that again. If anyone is a whore here, it's you. Have a nice day." Alessandro says. Damn, I think this is better than Luca knocking her out. The look on her face is priceless.

"BUT YOU CANT DO THAT!" She stamped her foot and screeched. "Yes I fucking can because I'm Alessandro Fucking Moretti, Goodbye darling." We then left with all our stuff and got into the car and headed back.

"You know you didn't have to do that right?" I asked Sandro. "Of course I did. You're my baby sister, I will do anything for you princess." He reply's. "I love
you." I say. "I love you too baby." He responds.

When we get back to the house I'm still a little upset with what happened at the mall so I don't say anything to anybody and just go straight into my room. I hear the boys asking Alessandro what happened to me and I hear him explaining.

I was too tired to eavesdrop some more so I just took a nap.

When I woke up it was a little bit before dinner and I think the twins are making dinner tonight so I will ask them if I can help. I make my way downstairs and see that no one is in the kitchen so I decided to take it upon myself and cook for everyone.

I decide to go with chicken cutlets and potato salad. I'm also going to make asparagus and garlic butter rolls. It's took me about an hour and a half to make everything but when it was finally done, I was so proud. I placed everything on the table and waited for everyone to come down and eat.

The twins came down first, probably assuming they were about to cook. "Woah little sister, this looks amazing!" Xander says to me. "Yeah I can't wait to eat all of it!" Xavier exclaims. I laugh at them. I'm so excited that they think it looks good! "Thank you so much!"

After a few minutes, everyone was at the table and they began to praise me for my cooking, I stopped eating and had to make an announcement.

"Guys! I have something to tell you." I say to everyone. "What is it? Do I need to kill someone?" Luca says

"I got the knifes in the kitchen if we need to." Blake told Luca.

"GUYS NO! I figured out the name for the baby!" I exclaimed excitedly.

All I hear is "ohhhhh" from everyone at the table including Gabriela.

"Okay so I'm proud to announce...." I begin to hold my stomach proudly, "PHOENIX GABRIELA!!"

Aghhhh I hope you like this chapter and the name for babygirl. btw I decided to the name the plastic barbie, Angelica cuz why not. hahah.


Make sure to read my other story, My Mafia Man!

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