The kitten

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Busan is a 17 year old boy from Seoul in Korea were he go to school and work. He have always loved pets and had a kitten when he was a little boy but when his father died his mom gave the cat to her cousin and her son but he past away 3 weeks ago. He likes to give the homeless cats in the area some food and water before school.

Today when he went to school he saw a new cat, it didnt look like the others, it was black with a white front left paw with brown/yellow eyes and super fluffy. Even tho it was fluffy it was still super skinny. The cat person he is he decided to look for that cat on his way home to take care of it.

In school he could only think of that cat. He asked his best friend Eric to help him find the kitty after school and look after the kitty meanwhile he went and bought food, a bed and some toys for the little thing and ofcorse a litterbox.

After school Busan and Eric went to the last place Busan saw the kitty and luckley it was still there almost like it understod Busan when he said he would be back soon. Eric tried to pick the kitty up but it ran to Busan. When Busan picked it up it stayed with him. The boys looked at eatch other and started walking home to Busan with the kitty.

" I will stay with the kitten, here take some money and buy stuff for it, I think it likes me better then you " Busan said when they got into his small house.

" Ok I will be back in 10"

Eric left and Busan was alone with the kitten. He jumped into his bed and the cat jumped up after him. He pet the cat and it purred"

"Why so skinny huh"

the cat looked at him and started sleeping beside him meanwhile Busan was petting his small head. After an hour they were both sleeping beside eacth other.

"sleepyheads " Eric said when he opend the door


" Yeah, Here crazy cat person your cat stuff"

" thanks"

"well i better get going now "

"bye bro"

" bye dude"

He went up and placed the cat bed beside his own bed and the litterbox in the bathroom. He gave the cat some water and food. the cat ran to him and started eating the food.

" You are hungry huh lil guy?"

He looked sat beside the cat and looked at him eating.

" I better also eat i guess"

He made some quick noodles. After that he cleaned the room and went to bed.

" Good night kitty"

He felt something jumping on the bed and lay beside his head. he turned around and saw the kitty sleeping beside him.

" Dont wanna sleep alone huh, well I wont move you then"

They both feel alseep.

The cat boyWhere stories live. Discover now