Chapter 3 Dragon Prince

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Tony's Pov:

"Rise and Shine." I groaned as Obie walked in.

"I am not a morning person." I groaned.

"Neither is your father." Obie said. Obie was dad trusted advisor and Alpha since his old Alpha's disappeared. Probably left cause they were tired of getting up at ungodly hours. Although let's be honest...I'm happy anytime Stephen wakes me up.

"Where's Rhodey and Pepper?" I asked cause that's usually who woke me...The two were my favorite servants cause they'd never let me just get away with shit.

"Working...Now get up it's your 18th birthday." Obie said...Oh...even more reason not to get up.

"Do I really have to do this?" I asked.

"Yes...It's an Honor. You are an Omega Prince and that is very rare. The amount of kingdoms sending us things so they may get your hand for their prince." Obie grinned and the door opened as Stephen walked in with a neutral expression. "Ah good...Stephen you'll need to keep a close eye on his highness...we don't want any of these Alpha's getting handsy." Obie said and I frowned.

"Of course, sir." Stephen said acting all proper and shit.

"Obie...why can't I just marry someone I like?" I asked.

"You are doing this for the kingdom...the two kingdoms that are arriving are ones we've been at war with for years." Obie said.

"So I'm spreading my legs to stop the fighting...Good to know I'm at least being useful." I said and saw Stephen glance at me.

"None of that...get dressed. I have to go try to get your father up." Obie said and left...As soon as the door shut Stephen's expression changed to one of worry.

"What?" He asked.

"That is my honor...I get to play baby maker for whatever scum bag gives us more shit." I growled as I looked through my clothes.

"I'm starting to think being a Prince isn't as nice as it sounds." Stephen said.

"It's least when you're an Omega." I sighed and started to strip making the Alpha turn away.

"What are you going to do?" Stephen asked.

"Well I'm not acting like Obie has been teaching me to...I'm going to be me and if they don't like that then they can go fuck themselves." I growled and heard Stephen chuckle.

"I'm sure they will find your wit charming." He said softly and I frowned...I looked at the Alpha sadly.

"Like you." I said and he went quiet.

"Anthony...You know we can't." He said softly and I sighed.

"In another life." I said.

"In another life I'd promise you the Heavens and Earth just to be with you." He said...It was quiet as I got changed and then walked over in the white outfit I had to wear...Stephen blinked eyes latching on to the gold collar.

"How bad do I look?" I asked.

"You look pretty as a jewel, your highness." He said and I smiled sadly. I glanced at the door...Once I leave this room then it's back to pretending the Alpha don't mean the world to me. I walked closer and he tensed.

" before I'm stuck being something I'm not for the rest of my life?" I asked and the Alpha looked devastated.

"Ok." He said softly and caressed my cheek before leaning down pressing our lips together. I love you. We pulled apart and the Alpha looked so sad.

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