Chapter 4 It Hatched

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Tony's Pov:

"Anthony..." I looked at Obie. "Here." He said andI looked at the pretty round black ball with pretty gold swirls on it. He satit down and I reached for it. I felt a weird surge...I heard something...heartbeat? Something was alive inside...something little like me...It's stuck...I have toget it out.

"Anthony, good morning." I groaned as I woke up from the odd dream...wait...what was that? I yelped when Stephen was suddenly in my bed making me laugh as he snuggled me...If every morning could be like this...

"Morning." I said and the Alpha hummed.

"Morning." He said and looked down at me before giving me a kiss.

"Steph." I said softly and his eyes softened.

"I know...I shouldn't be but right now...we're free." He said softly and I smiled.

"Free..." I said and he nodded.

" responsibility." He said...That wasn't true but...I could use a day of freedom...I smiled at the Alpha making his brow raise. "What?" He asked.

"You know...I really should get up...get the blood moving." I said and shoved the Alpha. I pushed till I was literally forcing us to roll...He was now on the bed and I was above him. 

"Anthony." He said. "As much as I'd love know why I don't." He said...right...

"Then...kissing..." I said and he chuckled.

"For you...I think I can manage." He said making me laugh...We kissed and held each other for a while...till Stephen started humming some random tune...I love you. I started to drift off...

"Anthony..." I looked at Obie. "Here." He said and I looked at the pretty round black ball with pretty gold swirls on it. He sat it down and I reached for it. I felt a weird surge...I heard something...heart beat? Something was alive inside...something little like me...It's stuck...I have to get it out. My fingers glowed a light blue then the ball cracked...Oh no I broke it. It broke and then...a black lizard thingy was looking at me with pretty blue green eyes with a weird gold mark around it's left eye...Hi...I reached out and it made a small noise as it's snout touched my was warm. It made a low noise as it looked at me...It looked's ok you can stay with me. "It worked...Good." Obie grabbed it and I made a whine and grabby hands as it cried out. No! Don't take it! It wanted me too. Obie took it away and I cried because I wanted it back.

"Anthony?" I startled and shot up blinking as the dream faded...dream or memory? I looked at familiar blue green eyes and frowned...Stephen? "You ok?" He asked.

"It hatched." I said.

"What?" Stephen asked and I stared at him for a while to see his concern for me slowly increasing...No gold mark around his eye. "Anthony?" He asked worriedly and I was getting out of the bed. "Anthony, hey what is it? Are you alright?" He asked as I rushed to the door...The alpha getting up and following me. "Anthony? You are worrying me." I stopped and looked at the Alpha to see the worry...Are you? No...No...he's...he can't be right? That'd be to...perfect? If Stephen was a prince we could finally be don't get your hopes up. " are really scaring me." He said softly.

"I need to tell them." I said and rushed down the hall with him following still. I opened the door and everyone looked at me.

"Tony?" Bucky asked.

"It hatched." I said and they all froze. A bald man glared at me as he growled.

"Easy Wong." Clint said.

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