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We passionately fight and hug in love

White Day. The celebration where you expect the guy you have confessed to previously during Valentines give you an answer(or if you were together, give something special). The tradition originated from Japan but has spread in many countries since. Although unsure, I believe they do observe it in Taiwan.

Not that it should matter to me. I have not confessed to anyone(nor was in relationship), Taiwanese or not. But on that morning of March 14, as I answered the video call of my co-star/friend/mentor/definitely-not-romantic-partner, I was immediately peculiarly strucked that he was wearing white and not black for once.


Also, he usually did not suddenly call without a prior set time(chat was the understanding). It was not even eight in the morning, and although we have memorized each other's daily quarantine routine by now, for all he knows I could have been sleeping in and yet he went and made the call anyway.

Whatever he was to say must be important.

This important matter apparently involved him video-chatting with Vic, Ken and Vanness last night. He was someone who preferred to personally visit and get-together, the virus outbreak has now prevented him from doing that. And for him who used to repel anything technology-related, I guess I should be more understanding of his sudden fascination with the wonders of video-chatting and Zoom meetings.

But after a few minutes, I couldn't stop from finally interrupting, "Do you observe White Day in Taiwan?" My voice sounded as non-chalant as it could.

Jerry stopped and gave me that wondering look thru the phone screen. I stared back at him with what I hope was my most innocent look.


"Really?" My voice was just a tiny bit higher in pitch. When he just sat there on his phone and continued to just look at me with those calculating eyes, his face totally unreadable, I rambled on without thought, "So what was the craziest gift you ever gave?"

It took two seconds before his face broke into a tiny - no, miniscule smile. I knew at once he will be teasing, still I couldn't help react the way I did when he said what he said.

"A ring."

I smiled at him - saccharine sweet as I could manage - and told him I was hanging up the call. I didn't bother waiting for his reaction. Disgusted at technology in general, I buried my phone beneath a throw pillow. I added a second one for good measure.

I knew he must be just teasing me. I have learned to read that tiny little spark in his eyes.

But say that he was? What does it mean? Why would he tease me about giving a ring to a past girlfriend? I was just a co-star who he just happen to chat with on a daily basis. And occasionally video-calls with. . .

But say, he wasn't though. What if he was actually telling the truth? What if he had just revealed another plot twist of the Yan-Lin great romance(the way some media harp on it, they make it sound like it was the most tragic love story of all times). They were at the peak of their careers then, it was sad that it fell apart but inevitable maybe. But at the moment, I could't feel particularly sad for him.

But then it also seemed more likely that the person he was referring to was the girl after Ms. Lin. After all, it had even been widely reported about them getting married a few years ago. Media said she was perfect for him, and his fans actually favored her a lot(sometimes though I feel maybe his fans were willing to settle to see him settled down). Anyways, whatever happened between them was not something I was privvy of and I was not curious of it at all.

When my phone buzzed with a message notification, I knew who it was at once.

I'm sorry. I was wrong for teasing you.

Of course he was teasing. I knew that. I feel so embarassed now for over-reacting. But it's normal for girlfriends to have occassional bouts of jealousy. And it's just ordinary for couples in a relationship to have lover's quarrels.

Except I wasn't "technically" Jerry's girlfriend(I was a girl friend). He and I were definitely not in that kind of relationship.

While I was thinking of a good reply. Something appropriate for our professional relationship, I received another message from Jerry.

F3 said they want to meet you once this virus situation is rectified.

An immediate smile was on my lips. How could I focus on all the wrong things? I don't need a White Day for a reply from Jerry(not that I have technically confessed either). After all he was a less-talk-and-do-more kind of guy.

Jerry Yan who uses my gift in public. Jerry Yan who called me first thing in the morning to talk about his brothers. Jerry Yan who had previously introduced me to his sister and mother.

That was the answer.

I will be updating one chapter everyday for one month; since they are all short companion stories so unlike last time I wont post previews anymore.

See you all tomorrow

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