Chapter 2

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The next morning Anthony awoke feeling a little better so he went back to work on the new armor and weapons. Soon it was time to present them to the Royal family and all of Asgard. "Hello everyone I present to you the new and improved armor and weapons!" Everyone watched as Thor and the warriors three along with Sif and a few guards tried out the armor and weapons. As time went by Anthony began to feel worse than he did the day before and when everyone went to the banquet hall for the feast, Anthony turned to go to his and Loki's Chambers to lie down for a while but he was stopped by Thor and the Warriors Three with Sif. "Anthony! You have truly outdone yourself! The weapons and armor the best yet!" "I'm glad to hear that Prince Thor. Thank you." "Indeed Anthony!" Suddenly Anthony begins to feel hot and lightheaded Thor seeing that knowing something is wrong immediately asked "Anthony are you alright?" "I-i" he starts to collapse but Thor catches him as everything goes dark "SOMEONE HELP!" Hearing Thor's screams from the hallway Loki and Frigga run to see what's happening "Thor what-ANTHONY! Thor what happened?!" "Anthony just collapsed I did not know he was ill I swear it!" "I know it's alright brother" while they were talking Frigga put her hand on Anthony's forehead and jerked her hand back as if she had been burned by the heat radiating from him. "Oh my goodness he's burning up!" Loki became very worried about his beloved "Thor help me carry him to our Chambers" "of course" and Frigga said "I'll go fetch a healer" "thank you mother" Loki and Thor rushed Anthony to his and Loki's Chambers and quickly changed him into his night shirt while trying to cool him down. Thor brings a bowl of cool water and washcloths to Loki to help with Anthony's fever and turned down the covers on the bed,helped lay Anthony down and tuck him in by the time Frigga returned with the healer Eir. Eir looked at Anthony and said,"this illness is nothing I have ever seen before. I do not know if I can help him but I will try." So she tried everything she knew but nothing worked and Anthony grew worse. Loki held him as he cried from body aches and nightmares due to the fever that still clings to him. Frigga helps to wash the sweat and tears away while Loki holds him up in their bathtub then helps them out and Thor helps Frigga put him in a clean night shirt ,while Loki is getting dressed, then changing the sheets and laying Anthony's special quilt that Loki and Frigga made for him on top. Hey guys I'm sorry for being so late but I will try my best to write more XOXO 

  Hey guys I'm sorry for being so late but I will try my best to write more XOXO 

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Anthony's special quilt

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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