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It had been a week since Andy's breakdown. She was finally starting to feel like herself again. She was still ignoring Sullivan especially after he tried to force her to speak with him. She constantly thought about going to have a conversation with him to hear what he had to say. She would tell Maya and Vic that she was going to speak to Sullivan. They of course supported her but knew she wouldn't go because she wasn't ready. Maya and Vic stayed with Andy at Maya's apartment in case Andy needed them again.

   Jack was out late at Joes bar where he met Araiya. They had a long conversation that lasted hours. Araiya look at her phone realized the time and said she had to go she but she gave jack her number. Jack stared at the piece of paper for a while and decided to call a cab to drive him over to Dean's place.

   Dean woke up to the sound of Jack knocking on his door. Angry he opened the door and welcomed Jack inside.

" Dude do you know what time it is."- Dean said
"No but I'm super drunk and I need a place to crash." - Jack said slurring his words
"You can stay here tonight , but please...try not to wake me up."Dean said walking back to his room.

  The morning came and everyone woke up ready for the day ... except for Jack who had been hungover from the night before. Luckily Dean had already woken up to attend to Pru and made him a cup of coffee.

The girls got up, quickly got ready and headed for station 19. The day had come when they were going to be picking a new battalion chief. Andy was excited but not for the reasons you might think. She was excited that her friends had gotten a fair shot a getting captain if Sullivan made battalion. She knew that there would be no chance of her getting captain especially after she basically yelled at Sullivan.

                           - At the Station-
" We will get the announcement of the battalion chief at the end of the day" Sullivan said "If I do get battalion chief I will also be picking the new captain today after the battalion is announced".

Ben had an idea that he wanted to share to Sullivan. He knocked on the door and waited to be welcomed in

" Come in Warren" said Sullivan " You need something."
" Actually yes Sir.. I would like your take on a idea that I have." Ben said
"I'm all ears" said Sullivan
" Ok so I was thinking wouldn't it be nice to have a sterile place where we could operate on patients in the field.... I mean just think about it we wouldn't have to lose as much patients when we could just administer the help there. I want to put all my talents together ... Anesthesiologist, Surgical Resident and a Firefighter. I want to create a truck that sterile to do surgery in the field and I'm gonna call it the PRT 19." Said Ben
" As much as I like the idea ... there's nothing I can do to help you with that." Sullivan said
"If you do become Battalion chief we can take it to Dixon and pitch the idea."said Ben
" I'll think about it." Sullivan said as Ben walked out the door.

Half the day passed and everyone was pulled out to a 5 alarm fire... there had been a serious fire at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital and it had caused three stories of the building to collapse ... there was still civilians in the building so this was a job for every fire station in the area.

Sullivan received orders from the fire chief and started to tell the groups what they would be doing...

"Bishop, Gibson, Warren your on search and rescue. Hughes, Montgomery, Miller your helping station 23 clear the fire. Herrera, Dixon And I will start helping with triage. GO GO GO"

Jack , Maya and Ben approached the building. When they entered they saw a bunch of firefighters helping injured patients... They went to the next level and started to check the area to see if anyone was there.

" Hello. This is the Seattle Fire Department if you need help please call out to us." Maya said
"Over here" said jack "he looks unconscious " I'll take him out and I'll head back up after they check him out."

  Maya and Ben continued to search the floor but found no one else. Jack soon came back and started to help them look for  more civilians. They went to the third floor and found no one. They then went to to fourth floor and repeated the same thing.

" This the Seattle Fire Department if you are injured and need help or assistance please call out to us."

  No one answered. Just as they were about to head to the next floor they heard someone call for help.

" HELP!!!! HELP ME.... IM STUCK UNDER A LARGE ROCK." someone said
" I need you to keep talking to me so we can find you." Ben said
"Ok... umm I don't know what to say... Am I going to die? It feels like I'm going to die." The person said
" It's ok. We found you and we're going to remove the stone of your stomach and get you the help you need..ok?" Said Ben

They tried for a while and finally got the rock of  her stomach. Ben looked down to check on her and saw that she was bleeding a lot.

"The Rubble crushed her organs. We need to get her out of here NOW." Ben said
" This is 19 to dispatch. We've got a woman about mid thirty's that was trapped under some rubble. We removed the rubble and she started to bleed out.. we believe that her organs have been crushed. We need an ambulance ready as soon as we arrive.
"Copy that. Aid 23 is ready for you when you are."

Meanwhile Outside with Andy, Sullivan and Emmett. They were tagging patients in serious conditions with the colour red, patients in mild conditions were tagged with yellow, and patience that need to be checked where tagged with green.

"Captain, you didn't put me on your team just so you could talk to me right?" Andy said
" Of course not. I just choose who I thought was right for the job." Sullivan said with a smirk on his face.

  Back in the building Jack arrived from scanning the whole floor for any other victims. He looked at this woman and thought that she looked familiar. It was Araiya. The girl he had met at the bar last night.

" I know her. I meet her at Joe's last night, we have to save her." Jack said
" We're going to lift her on the count of three. One. Two. Three." Ben said

    They lifted her and Started to carry her outside when Maya noticed a trail of blood behind them. She told the guys to put Araiya down because she was bleeding out.

" Ben! What do we do? Your the doctor so tell us what to do." Jack said
"Ok um i need a lot of gauze.. Maya and Jack you hold her while I apply pressure and we hurry to get her out of here."

  They managed to get Araiya out of there alive and she was immediately sent to the closets hospital. The Fire was out , All civilians had be rescued and had received the care needed. All station started to leave. Station 19 was the last to leave the scene. They wanted to make sure that everything was ok especially since they had friends there.

   Back at the fire department everyone anxiously awaited the news about who would be the new battalion chief. The girls couldn't stop talking about how crazy that call had been. While the boy were cleaning the trucks in silence.

    Sullivan received an email from the fire chief saying that he was the new battalion chief. He then called all of station 19 together in the kitchen to tell them the news and also to tell them who would be the new captain.

" I just received an email from the fire chief informing me that I am the new battalion chief.  I will take an hour to think about my choice for the new captain and I will come back to you after I'm done." Sullivan

   Everyone waited in the kitchen anxiously. When Sullivan walked into the room everyone's heart started to beat faster.

" There was a lot of good choice for the captain positions but I've chosen only one person. The person is........... Herrera. Congratulations." Sullivan said before he left the room.

   Everyone was so happy for their friend. It had been her dream ever since she was little to be the captain of 19. Andy rushed outside to catch Sullivan. When she saw him about to leave she quickly caught up to him.

"Thank you sir for picking me as chief but I have to ask why?" Andy said
"Well today you showed that your up for any challenge and you correctly assessed each and every patient while making them feel a lot less scared. It's no doubt that you'll be a good captain."

Authors Note- Thank you for reading the second chapter of this story. I hope you enjoyed it.

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