Chapter One

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I huddled deeper into my thick brown cardigan as I made my way to class. A cold breeze swept through and tickled the bare skin of my legs. My dark hair swirled around my face causing me to grab it and tie it into a low bun on the back of my neck. I warmed myself by focusing on growing the inner light inside me. The small white core in my body radiating warmth from within. My toes were last to feel the effects and I was grateful once it reached them since I hadn't worn the thickest socks.

It was a cold October morning and I hurried towards the old brick university building. Unruly vines climbed the side creating a web of greenery only interrupted by a splattering of windows. The glass doors were card access and after letting myself in I traveled the three flights of stairs towards the classroom door. I stopped momentarily outside to catch my breath, taking a drink of water so I didn't seem so winded.

I walked into the classroom and noticed I was the first student present as always. The only other person was the Teacher's Assistant, Devin, who was writing on the whiteboard various questions from the reading. They were tall with curly hair set atop their dark complexion and expressive eyes.

"Hey Cady, how'd you like the reading assignment?" Devin asked, turning to look at me. They had a soft smile on his face and I felt my heart spike with anxiety. They were wearing a green plaid button-up which had a few buttons open showing a few silver necklaces that matched the silver of their double nose rings.

"Great, it was a much more in-depth read than I was expecting," I replied, taking my seat in the second row. I tried not to stare too long at them and faked looking in my planner. I heard Devin begin to say something else, but they stopped and turned back to the board when the classroom door opened and another student entered.

I began to doodle in my planner a small sun and tree. I sat in silence while the other students greeted each other and talked about random things on campus and in their lives. I had only been attending this school for less than two months so I didn't really know any of them beyond class discussions.

"Good morning class," the professor said as she entered the room with a large overflowing book bag and paper scrolls in her arms. The class responded in mumbled hellos and I sat up straighter to see what Professor Darby had with her. She was an older woman with white hair and large glasses that made her eyes look bigger than they were. She taught the History of Washington State among other things and was a fantastic professor.

"I've brought some maps! We are going to look together at the history of our state through maps today. Everyone, please move your desks into a circle," she said while struggling to put her things down. Devin assisted her and soon the room was moved around to have the students in a circle around a large table filled with maps. I mentally noted that my desk was now even closer to where Devin was at the front of the room.

"As per your reading, Washington State was home to many tribes before colonization. Lewis and Clark famously came through and commented on the differences in Indian Tribes in the Pacific Northwest. Can anyone tell me what they noted?" Professor Darby asked while laying out map after map.

I raised my hand and at her acknowledgement I said, "They noted there were equal gender roles in the tribe's cultures."

"Thank you, Cady, yes Washington has always been progressive, but it dates back farther than we have records for. These maps show the original location to many of the tribes who called this area home before the Early American Settlements," Professor Darby said.

We spent the rest of the class looking over the maps and talking in small groups about what we saw. Professor Darby shared stories while she excitedly pointed things out on every single map. Devin's questions were used in the small groups to prompt conversation and they bounced between the desks to converse. At one point they stood behind me looking at someone else and I felt warmth radiating from them. It felt comforting and I shifted in my seat unsure of how to focus on the work.

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