Chapter Ten

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Spending the holidays at Gwen's house was chaos, but I was happier than I could remember. The kids were constantly hyped up and running around with spirit. They loved the toys I had gotten them. Iris was already deep in storytime with the dollhouse and Finn was thrilled with the 20 piece kids baking set. Gwen had been happy with my necklace and matching earrings I had found for her at the mall.

I had gotten to talk to my dad on the phone for a while and filled him in on what was going on with my life. He was happy for me to connect with my grandmother, but I could tell he seemed wary. I assured him I'd be careful and on alert, but he couldn't offer me much information as my mom had always been so secretive about why she left.

A week later, Gwen and I were at the breakfast table on New Year's Eve. The kids were back in their bedrooms packing their overnight bags. Gwen was picking at her food and gave a loud sigh.

"So when's the ex getting here?" I asked her, figuring that was why she was upset.

"Around eleven, he's taking the kids to lunch, then back to his house for the night," she said, sounding disappointed to not have them around. She had split holidays with him and was alone on New Years' for the first time.

"Do you want to come with me to the New Year's party?" I asked.

"Really?" She replied, perking up in her seat and putting down her fork.

"Of course, I'd love for you to meet my friends," I said. I was a bit annoyed with myself for not thinking of inviting her sooner.

"That would be amazing," she replied. "Once I get the kids ready can you help me pick out an outfit?"

"Absolutely!" I told her.

I wasn't the best judge of outfits, but Gwen didn't really need my help. It was just nice to have spent time with her and try to keep her mind off the quiet house. She picked out a gold jumpsuit that suited her perfectly.

Gwen had done our hair and I bounced the soft curls in the mirror in awe of her skill. I was wearing a midnight blue dress and a black fake fur coat. I felt silly and overdressed, but Violet had picked out the outfit with me at the mall and I couldn't disappoint her.

The party was being hosted at a downtown event center where Coven Members and their families were invited. I had been told that there was no magic as non magic humans were invited which is why I knew it was safe to bring Gwen.

We drove up and parked in the expansive parking lot to the event center. The building looked very modern and had trees covered in lights. Spotlights lit the entrance and went up the building.

"This place is cool," Gwen said as we got out of the car and walked into the building. The entrance hall was decorated with twinkling lights and it led to a large ballroom that felt like a fancier version of a high school prom. It was all a bit cheesy, but I hadn't expected anything else.

We checked out coats and bags at the front and went into the ballroom together. I saw Violet not too far off with her parents and sisters. She waved at me and I beckoned her over. She was wearing a white dress and high heels we had picked out together.

"Violet, this is my cousin Gwen," I said, introducing the two of them.

"Oh, it's so nice to meet you," Violet squealed, happy to finally meet her.

"You too, I've heard a lot about you and some of Cady's other friends," Gwen responded politely.

"They'll be so glad to meet you too!" Violet said.

The hall filled slowly with families and other friend groups as the night got darker. I recognized most people, but I didn't know that many names. It was interesting to also see the different couples and know how many Coven Members had married humans versus the few that were both witches.

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