Chapter Eleven

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On the kid's first day back to school I was still on break so I offered to pick them up early. Normally they went to daycare for an hour or so before their babysitter picked them up. I drove there in Gwen's car and got out to greet them at the front of the school. It was only a half-mile from the house, but the wind was cold so I didn't think the kids would appreciate walking home.

I saw Iris come out of the school's front doors first, a neon pink bow in her hair. She perked up and ran towards me diving into my legs for a hug. Her tackle hug almost knocked me off balance and I laughed and bent down to hug her properly.

"How was your first day back at school?" I asked her.

"Great! We had a substitute because Mrs. Grove is pregnant!" She yelled, jumping with excitement.

"Are you Cady?" I heard from a voice behind her.

"That's me," I replied, looking up at the teacher standing in front of me. She was only a few inches taller than me with dark black hair pulled back into a loose ponytail. She wore a green turtleneck and blazer paired with dark jeans. It made her look casual, yet put together.

"Just checking for pick-up, you're Iris's Aunt?" he asked. I stood to face her and took Iris's hand. I couldn't help but notice the freckles that were sprinkled across her nose.

"Yep," I politely responded, seeing Finn walk over with a few of his classmates.

"I'm Ms. Hallow," she said.

"It's nice to meet you," I replied.

"Hi Cady," Finn said when he reached us.

"Hi there kiddo, how was your day?" I asked him.

"It was fine, I'm hungry though," he said. I laughed and nodded.

"Then let's get home for snacks," I said, then noticed the teacher was still standing there. We made eye contact and I felt my heart flutter slightly.

"Have a good afternoon," she said finally, her eyes then flickering to Iris so she could wave.

"You too," I said to her, then led the kids back to the car. The slight attraction stayed with me as I walked away. I couldn't help looking back when I got a bit further away and I saw she was talking to another family.

I hadn't felt that kind of attraction before. The Coven Pull was warm and comforting and it bled into my feelings for Connor which grew as I got to know him. But with this random teacher, it was electric. My heart had raced and I couldn't quite catch my breath. It took a long time to sort out that I identified as bisexual and dating women was something I hadn't done before.

I tried to let that feeling fade and it did as I drove the kids back to the house. I spent the afternoon with the kids until Gwen was dropped off by a coworker at home. I made them afternoon snacks and joined Iris for a play session with the new dollhouse I had gotten her. Her imagination was adorable and I loved seeing her pretend her doll was wearing a business suit and going to work in finance like her mom.

I felt my phone vibrate on the coffee table and my heart warmed seeing it was a text from Connor. We had been texting a little since New Years' but hadn't gotten to see each other.

Connor: Hey

Cady: Hi

Connor: Are you free tonight?

Cady: Yeah, why?

Connor: Cool, would you want to get dinner?

Cady: I'd love to

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