Chapter 1 | New Sprouts

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A fresh breeze of wind passed by a window, rattling it's small, glass windows ferociously. Normally, the rattle would have disturbed the boys inside the room behind that glass, but they were laughing too hard to even notice.

"Dude, she totally just flopped right over him. I mean it wasn't even a trip, it was just like a 'she's standing up' and BOOM, she's flopped on top of him," the first boy cracked a wicked smile, motioning with his arms to show the greatness of the flop.

The second boy smiled, a rare heard laugh erupting once again from his lips, "She seems to do that a lot. Thankfully, most guys are falling over her that they don't even care."

The first boy smiled wider, running a hand through his messy styled hair, "Well, more like they're falling to catch her, so she doesn't hit her head. It's not like she would anyway. I mean, she's not a baby. They just do it so she notices them, the fools."

The second rolled his eyes, "Like you aren't diving to catch her every chance you get."

"That's so not true."

"Uh, have you seen yourself around her? You literally flirt with her every chance you get."

"That's not flirting. It's just simply showing off all my skills, so she'll look around and see that there's just no other guys like me and I'm the best."

The first received another eye roll, "I'm pretty sure you're just flirting with her."

"Whatever," the first turned away, trying to subside the increasingly growing blush on his face.

The second boy smirked, playing with his bangs, with their fine silver ends and black roots, "What time is it?"

The first looked up, "Uh, don't you have a watch?"

The second looked down, realizing that he forgot,  and muttering, "Oh, oops. Yeah."

"Geez, Tammyyy. Forgetting things like always?" the first wiggled his eyebrows jokingly.

"Shut up," Tam Song muttered, a small blush of embarrassment forming in his cheeks, "It's past midnight. We should sleep soon or your mom will probably kill us."

The first rolled his eyes, "Psh, are you talking about my mother dearest? I'd be surprised if she even knew you were here. I haven't seen her for days."

"Well, if not your mom, then me. I'm tired. I wanna sleep."

The first sighed, "Fine. But first, let me show you this new thing I just found-" he ran another hand through his blond hair.

"Fine." Tam sighed, "Make it fast though. I'm tired, Keefe."

Keefe, the first boy smiled in triumph, "See, this is why we're best friends. You're easy to control to do my bidding."

Tam rolled his eyes, shoving him slightly with his shoulder, "I'm actually pretty sure it's because I trust you and I don't mind helping you out. You do what I want you to do for me pretty much the same amount. I'm also pretty sure we're best friends because-" he cut off not knowing if he should continue and bring up the topic.

"We bonded over having stupid parents who don't care for or love us?" Keefe sighed, then smirking and adding, "Or because we have great hair?"

"Ehh, I'm pretty sure it's only me on that last one. Your hair is only decent."

Keefe let out a fake gasp, "You dare mock the grandest hair of all?"

"Yes, I do. Now," Tam continued on, unfazed by the dramatic glares he was getting from the blond hair boy, " I'm tired, and I want to sleep, so I'm going to sleep."

"But I didn't show you thisss," Keefe whined pulling out his phone and practically shoving it in the yawning boy's face, "Look at this... isn't it amazing? ... Tam? Tam??"

He sighed, watching his sleeping friend beside him, "I guess I'm just gonna have to wait till tomorrow," he chuckled, "Night Tammy. Sleep well"

Life was well for the two boys. They were close friends, had a good relationship, and both liked to obsess over their hair, how couldn't it be good?

They would soon realize exactly how it couldn't. 

Eek! I'm so exited for this!! Thank you for reading!

Sorry this chapter was short- I promise I'll try to make them longer as we go on. 

If you have any feedback or advice on my writing you'd like to give, I always love learning ways that I can make you guys happy!

I love you all and hope you are doing well

AGM <3

Dark Shadows and Golden LeavesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora