Chapter 4: School trip part 2.

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As the two girls pushed Hanna to the fireplace, All of them heard a scream for just a second....then it stopped.

Vanessa and Lavender eyes widened asking themselves "Hanna didn't get burnt or die...She survived the fire...but how?"

As everyone saw Hanna on the fireplace Jake instantly went to the area "Hanna are you alright!?" The prince asked, "Y-Yeah I'm okay...I guess.." Responds Hanna getting up with the help of Jake, The teacher arrived upon hearing the students urgent report.

"WHAT HAPPENED HERE!?" The teacher asked surprised that Hanna survived.

The two girls backed away silently but Alexis grabbed Vanessa and Lavender's shoulders and said "The two of them pushed Hanna." Vanessa and Lavender both said in unison "We didn't know she would survi— I mean sorry!". The teacher approaches The two bullies and said "Detention after we get back to school for a week!".

After cleaning up the mess

"I'm surprised, only Legends and Mythicals can survive fire...." Leones exclaims.
"No way I could be a legend nor mythical! I'm too weak" Hanna points out sadly, "Spirit animal or not, we'll treat you the same!" Alexis responds. Leones looks around and sees no Jake in sight, "Yo girls, wheres Mr.FancyGuy?" Leones asks. "He's giving a lecture to Vanessa and Lavender I guess.." Hanna scoffs quietly.

With Mr.FancyGu—, I mean Jake

As Jake walks around in circles saying "You could have killed a student!".
"We didn't mean too.." Lavender lies, As the two girls looked at each other and smirked, "Oh Princey~ Will you please let us go for this timeee?~" Vanessa says, playfully approaching him. "I'm not falling for your trap again..." Jake responds pushing her away.
"Fine!" Vanessa says annoyedly.

With Hanna, Leones and Alexis

As Hanna sat down with her friends, the Teacher walked up to their area and said "Hanna, since we have a clue that you definitely have a spirit animal. we have to activate, it would you like to join us in the trainings?".

"Sure, I'll be greatful on what my animal is". Hanna responds.

Somewhere near the Camp

..From small distance someone with the name of ??? said "Agent-T reporting of DL-M. We have found her sir".

As Hanna was about to stand up from the bench she thought to herself "I feel like someone is watching me".

Who could be the mystery boy be?

Authors note:

YASS BOI I COMPLETED CH.4 YASSSSS lmao I'm so happy it's currently Sunday and I have OC tomorrow so yep imma go now, baiya.

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