Chapter 5: A new student?

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Authors note:
My stories have cringe-tea, Tbh I ship Janna :D
3 weeks later...
As everyone sat down on their chairs, Including the squad.

The teacher yelled out the topic of a new student coming in our school, He has a Griffin Spirit Animal, When the bell rung, DING DING DING, Everybody was already on their chairs wondering what the new kid would look like. But not Hanna. "Why'd I feel like someone was watching me 3 weeks ago on the school trip?" She questioned herself.

As the door opened, Everyone saw a handsome brown haired boy with bright green eyes.

He then introduced himself saying "Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm Terrance Koivarg But the I and G are quiet" he then winked, The ladies quickly fell for his handsome face.

Jake scooted over me and whispered "He's annoying me already", Hanna quietly whispered "Oh c'mon, I don't trust him but still he's a new student be nice to him Jake". Terrance then walked over to Hanna's area and asked if he could seat there with Jake and Hanna. Jake refused until he got cutted by a "Sure" from Hanna.

Time skip to dissmisal, brought to you by my online exams which I'm stressing about

Hanna and the crew plus another member, Terrance, walked together down the hallways going outside of the school Terrance told funny jokes which made Hanna and Alexis chuckle but as they waved goodbye to Terrance, Jake and Leones reminded them, "Stay away from that person our spirit animals feel a dangerous aura from him..".

The girls both grinned and laughed "I know your trying to scare us, but don't be jealous it's just the new kid" Alexis replies.

"Yeah sure.." Leones says rolling his eyes. But the boys knew he was danger and a threat to the crew.

4 hours later, nighttime

As an anonymous person steps into a unknown place, "Was she there, T?" A mysterious and scary voice asks.

The anonymous person takes a few breathes before answering "Yes, Sir she was there and her name was ????, Mistress A. changed her name", The mysterious person grinned, "???? Huh, investigate more about her and bring her ALIVE" The voice commands turning his chair around the anonymous person.

"Yes, Sir" It then walked away from the area, As the area was now quiet, a laugh could be heard.

"HAHAAHAHHA, I FOUND YOU." The mysterious person speaks to himself loudly.

Authors note:

Y'all probably found out who T is and if you don't you'll find out later in the future chapters but most of you probably knows who he is.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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