¡! Everything !¡

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Hi, my name is Nevaey I'm 14 and I'm French, yeah I am the Oui Oui baguette one. My story isn't really interesting. The only thing who made me be important is my boyfriend, Ben.
Why ? Cause we have a long distance relationship, I miss him so much every day. I hate sleep so every night I stay awake until 4 A.M for talking to him. He lives in U.S.A . How did we meet ? Online, I saw him on Tik Tok and I found him really cute with his curly blonde hair, so I decided to go talk to Ben on Snapchat, like 3 years ago. We were best friends, he was broken and me too, so we understand together. 2 years ago he asked me to be his girlfriend, of course I said yes !

I have family in California, so I can see Ben sometimes. When that happens we still together all the time, my parents love Ben and his dad love me too.

Nevaey Alexandre, Neva (@neica_itzme)
Born on September the 18 2006. Haitian/French
She's still broken and afraid to lost people who love her. She do figure skating.
She's really nice and a little bit jealous.

Benjamin George, Ben (@ ?)
Born on August the 21 2005. American
He was broken but Neva help him. He loves Neva more than anything. He likes skateboarding.
He is nice and protective.

It's 9 a.m and I should go to school, I'm in collège 3e ( middle school- freshman ), I like school, but not today I'm tired to pretend that nothing is. I decided to walk to school for wake me up, I want someone to talk... Ben, what's time is it ? Huh 9 - 9 = 0 a.m oh please don't sleep...





- Sweetie ? Oh his sleepy voice.

- Good morning, I wake you up ? Sorry...

- Whatever, what's up ?

- I feel bad, I miss her.

- Oh... You won't make a stupid thing ?

- No ! Don't worry about it.

- Of course I worry, but you know what to do, live for her, be happy for her, smile for her, like the way she did.

- Easy too say.

- Don't say it again.

Oh shit...

- I'm sorry, I'm really tired.

- Yeah me too.

- My family should miss her too but they don't show it.

- You're not alone sweetie.

- I know, I'm in front of the school, bye sorry for wake you up I love you !

- I love you bye.

In front of the school I see my new friends.

- Salut.

- Coucou !

- Ça va ?

- Ouais t'inquiète...

And they keep talking about I don't know what. We're in the playground and a friend, Jason, come talk to me.

- Ça va ?

- Bah oui, pourquoi ?

- T'as pas l'air bien.

- Si si, ça va t'inquiète.

- Si tu le dis.

- J'aime les fraises.

- Aller salut.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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