9. Hanging Around Me

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I feel something different when me and Yuxin are together.  As if there was a strange and familiar feeling.  Even though I never met her.  I never even heard her name too.  But why?  Everyone around me feels familiar with her. My parents, my friends , even my employees. Why they can familiar with someone who just arrived now. There was no sense of awkwardness and uncomfortabble from her. What really happened? I woke up from my reverie when Anqi suddenly came and opened the door without knocking first.

"Deaaarr ..." Anqi immediately hugged me and kissed my cheek lightly.

I give my best smile for her, for some reason since meeting Yuxin my heart has changed. There is no interest for Anqi or passion that wants to make me have more power like before. Just feel empty with all that I have right now.  It feels like I want someone else who is in the position of Anqi right now.  "Hellooo dear ... What are you doing here? Why don't you tell me if you want to come?"

"Surpriseee !!!  .. I came because I missed you sooo much dear !" Anqi spoiled me and sat on my lap, put her arms around my neck.

"Hahaha .. how is your job dear? everything is smooth in Shanghai?"  I was still struggling with the documents that were in front of me, without even looking at her.

"Nah ! boring .. I don't even know what they are saying!"  Anqi suddenly put her hands on my cheeks, forcing me to look at her eyes.  "Don't you miss me dear?"  Anqi leaned her face forward, looked at my lips with passion and lusy. I just silently saw what her doing to me. And i just wanted to get she off my face, suddenly someone knocking on the door.

Knock knock!

Yuxin came in and froze seeing the current position Anqi and I were. Oh shit ! What will she thinking about me? I surprise when i see there was a cold gaze and anger was clearly visible from the look on her face.  I've never seen her like that before, a cold gaze that felt like killing anyone who was bothering her.

"Sorry .. I didn't mean to disturb you,sir. It's just that it's time for lunch."  Her expression turned dark, I don't even know how she feels right now.

I saw anqi snorted and looked at her sarcastically "Who are you?? you don't have to have the right to arrange when my dear will eat?"

"I am the his bodyguard, I have to make sure Mr.cai is healthy and well."  Yuxin coldly replied. I saw a little sparkle in her eyes.

"Hey! How dare you !! ..."

"Enough ! Never mind Anqi ... Alright, let's have lunch. You and the others too Yuxin. We can have lunch together."  I tried to stop Anqi's stubbornness and break them up. I know there is dislike feeling on Anqi's face.

"Yes sir .. I'll prepare it" Yuxin nodded and immediately walked out of the room, without making eye contact with me.  She's not usually like that, even she is call me "sir" not like before. Is she have some troubles?  Maybe I should talk to her later.


I walked out of Kun's room with a red face for holding back all my emotions and direction. I walked to my room and the others. Once arrived in our room, they immediately asked what happened to me.

"Xiaoxin ... What's wrong with you?"  Asked xuuer holding my shoulder which felt weak. I stared at her with blurred eyes.  Without knowing i feeling my tears slide down to my cheeks, I can't take it anymore.  i started crying, Xue'er immediately hugged me and the others also came up to me who was already sobbing.

"Yuxin .. why are you crying?"  Asked Ziyi who was stroking my head gently.  I'm still sobbing in Xueer's arms.  Then Yuyan came and wiped my tears while hugging Xue'er from behind so she could hug me.

"Calm down Yuxin... We are always here for you. Don't be sad .. we always support you."  Yuyan said looking at me closely.  Finally I let go of my hug to Xueer.  Yuyan and Xue'er grabbed my hand and led me to sit on the sofa.

Xiaogei gave me drinking water.  "Have a drink first .. calm yourself, if you are ready, you can tell us what happened."  I nodded and started drinking the water Xiaogui gave me, while controlling my emotions.

They let me be quiet and calm myself for a few minutes, without asking.  I sighed when the water I drank had run out.  "Have you calmed down?"  Xiaogui asked taking the glass from my hand. I also gave it to xiaogui.

"Thank you ... Xiaogui" he nodded and sat in front of me.

"Then what happened Yuxin? Didn't you go to Kun's room to have lunch together?"  Asked Xueer who then held my hand tightly.

"I ... I saw Anqi in Kun's room earlier, it looks like they are in the midst of kissing" I answered in a low voice, but it was enough for them to hear.

"WHAT !?"  The four of them spoke at the same time.  I still kept my head down, but I could feel the anger from them right now. My tears came back to remember what they both did earlier.  Anqi spoiled Kun's lap and put her hand around his neck.  Seeing it makes my heart hurt and mad, holding back this anger and jealousy. Yuyan lifted my chin to stare at her.

"Yuxin .. just a minute, wait a little longer. Kun will be yours. I promise ..." I nodded and let myself cry again in Yuyan hug.

"It would be better not to see, because then it Will won't hurt me this much."

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