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To say the Avengers were panicked would be an understatement. Even Natasha's worry was visible and she hid her emotions well. Peter hadn't come to the tower on Friday after school like he normally did for the weekend. And it was Monday now. Spider Man hadn't been seen since that time too. They were worried sick. But Tony was the worst. He hadn't eaten from Friday night and refused to even touch food. Steve, Tony, Rhodey, Nat, Wanda, Loki, Clint, Strange and the rest of the Avengers including Pepper all sat in the meeting room discussing the possibilities of what might have happened to their Baby Spider. "Maybe he is on a vacation..." Clint supplied. "He would have told us if did go on one." Steve said. "Did you talk to his friends?" he said turning towards Tony.

Tony nodded. "Peter doesn't have many friends. He only tells everything to Ned and MJ. I talked to them but they saw him last in school on Friday." "What about his aunt May?" Pepper asked. Everyone frowned. They forgot about May. Weird. May would call them immediately even if Peter was a little late reaching home. But she hadn't called once from the last week. They made the decision that Natasha, Tony and Loki would go to the Parkers apartment in Queens to check out the situation. The trio made their way to the apartment and Loki knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked again. Like before, nothing. After knocking the Parkers apartment door for a solid 10 minutes a door on the other side creaked open. An old man, the name plate on his front door said Mr. Lee.

"If you are looking for May and Peter they left last week. In a black lim0usine. They were in a hurry. Oh and men in black suits were helping them." He said and closed his door. The three ran back to Tony's Audi and went back to the tower. They explained everything which made more possibilities arise. What if it was HYDRA???? Or AIIMS????? Whatever the reason they were going to find where those people took their precious baby spider and their friend. And if even a hair was damaged on them...that person would pay for it. Suddenly FRIDAY spoke up. "Boss, Spider baby's suit tracker just activated again. Do you want the location?"

All Avengers perked up. "FRIDAY where is Peter?!?!" Tony frantically asks. "He is in England boss heading towards the Buckingham Palace." FRIDAY responded. "Sir it seems May is also currently in the Buckingham Palace. And you are receiving a call from her at this moment. Should I put it on speaker?" FRIDAY waited for further instructions. "YES!!!!!!!!!!" Tony shouted. May's voice said from the other side. "Hello Tony? Sorry for not calling you. Don't worry. Peter is with me...Tony? Are you there?" "Oh...yes May but where are you two?"

May didn't reply for a few seconds before saying, "Family matters. Ok bye." And then she hanged up. What kind of family matters needed to be solved in Buckingham palace? What family matters? What were they even doing in England? All was silent at the Avengers compound when all hell broke loose. "What are they doing in England???!!!!" "What family matters in Buckingham palace??!!" "What family matters?!!? They are the only Parkers left!!!!"

"ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!!!!!!!" Pepper shouted. They all stopped. Pepper was a scary person when angry. They hadn't realized that half an hour had passed since May called. Suddenly FRIDAY spoke up. "Boss Spider- baby's tracker just went offline. And there is something you should watch." The TV screen in the living room switched on and they saw a news reporter talking with a big smile on her face. She was standing outside the Buckingham palace. "It seems that our loved crown prince, Peter Alden has finally returned. Today the royal family of England have gathered in the Buckingham palace for our dear prince's welcome." A photo of Peter was shown.

"The prince had been taken away to America at the age of 8 when the rumor of the French spy located in London started to fly

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"The prince had been taken away to America at the age of 8 when the rumor of the French spy located in London started to fly. The prince along with his aunt May Lennox, Duchess of Kent and his uncle Benjamin Lennox, Duke of Kent went to hide in Queens for the protection of the young prince. Unfortunately, the duke was killed when he was protecting the prince from a sniper. Our prince was 12 then. And today our beloved prince has returned along with the duchess to regain his title as the crown prince. This is Kelly Clarkson from NewzTv." The screen went blank as all the avengers stared at it in shock.

Their little spider was a prince. Was it possible that he had royal duties too? How had he handled all this? And how did they not find out??? "FRIDAY search the internet and find the information about Peter Alden." Natasha said. "Yes Ms. Romanoff." After a few minutes FRIDAY spoke up. "Peter Benjamin Alden. Born on: 10 august 2001. Birthplace: London. Parents: Richard Alden and Mary Alden, King and Queen of England and the US along with 30 other countries. The prince was indeed in New York from the age of 8 and lived in Queens under the identity of Peter Benjamin Parker. Then he was bit by a radioactive spider and he became spider man." There was a silence again. Which, again was broken by a phone ringing.

"Sir, it seems Baby-spider is calling you." FRIDAY said with a bit of what felt...happiness. "Answer it FRI." "Hey Mr. Stark!!! Sorry for not coming the previous weekend. May and I had to leave for uh...some business. And then my phone was dead and I didn't bring my charger but then I remembered you installed something like that in my suit so now I am calli--- I am ranting again. Mr. Stark?" "He—hey kid. Where are you right now?" Tony asked. Would Peter lie to Tony? Would he? Of course he wouldn't. "Uh...should I tell him or not? What?!?! Of course I am not high!!!! You know what? Screw you Karen!!!"

laughing was heard from the other side of the call. "Uh...sorry Wade can be a real pain in the ass." A 'both literally and metaphorically!!!!!' was heard in the background. "Shut up Wade!!!!! Sorry Mr. Stark. And yeah I am in the Buckingham palace. And yes I would like you and the team, of course Ms. Potts too to come here. Like within an hour. Only if you want to come!!! You don't have to if you have work. Anyways I have gotta go. Bye!!!!!" The call ended. The team glanced at each other and smirked. Of course there was nothing more important than their baby spider. The Avengers along with Pepper loaded up in the Quinjet and took off for London. Of course they would they would be there for Peter. And they also needed to know who Wade was to make their little spider cuss because Peter only cussed when situations were extreme. 


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