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POV Nessa

Josh : Ness I like you so much ......do you want to be my girlfriend ?
I'm so nervous I don't know what to say..... I like him a lot but ...
Nessa : Josh I .... Yes I want to be your girlfriend !

He hug me really tight and then kiss me . I smile . I'm so happy to be his girlfriend.

POV Josh

She says yes ! I'm the happiest person in this world now .

Josh : you want to come to my house ?
Nessa : yes but it's late .
Josh : we can go watch a movie .
Nessa : ok good idea !

When we arrive at his house we watch a movie and I fell asleep on his chest. I'm so happy to be his girlfriend now .

The next morning

When I wake up I don't see Josh . I get up , get dressed . I then go downstairs in the living room and see Josh with someone. They are talking a little loud . I don't really care so I go to the kitchen. I was eating when I feel someone behind me . I turn  around and see Josh .

POV Josh

I woke up because of the ring  of the house. I then go downstairs and open . I see Chase . I don't like this guy and he look angry.

Chase : are you withe Ness ?
Josh : why ??
Chase : you know Josh she don't likes you and never will . So let her be with me .
Josh : just go out of my house !
Chase : don't be mad Joshy it's like that..
Josh : CHASE ......GO OUT NOW !!
Chase : you'll see.......

I saw Ness so I go with her .

Nessa : hey good morning !
Josh : hey ....
Nessa : what's up ?
Josh : ho that's nothing important.

We eat the breakfast and then I shower , I dressed up and we go out with our friends.

When we arrive I see Chase with Charli . He see me and smirk I don't like that at all .

POV Chase

I don't like Josh he always has all the prettiest girls. So I like rob him  the girls he fall in love with. That's my favorite activity. I'm not gonna lie I truly like Charli but at the same time if I can have Nessa it could be really funny to see Josh's face .

Everyone thinks that I'm not a good friend for Josh . And I agree but he is not really my friend so ....... I DON'T CARE .

Charli : hey hey !
Chase : hey I'm happy to see you .
Charli : yes me too ... I was thinking that maybe we can....... hang out..... maybe tomorrow ?
Chase : yes of course  .

Then Josh and Nessa arrive . It's time for me to make Josh jealous because I love that .

So I go talk with Nessa .

Chase : hey Ness !
Nessa : hey how are you ?
Chase : I'm fine and you ?
Nessa : I'm fine too .
Chase : are you ok for hang out with me  later today ?
Nessa : I ..... I don't know .... I'm dating Josh .
Chase : oh ok ..... but I talk about an friendly hang out just for fun you know ?
Nessa : oh ok so see you later !
Chase : yes yes

Josh is gonna be really really mad at me and that's what I want. I'm so happy !

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