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POV Nessa

The nurse told me he was ok and now he can't even breath by  himself .

I'm crying in Josh's room when all moue friends rush into the room . The girls hug me and Bryce ask :
Bryce : Nessa do you want to go home ?
Nessa : NO!! I mean I want to stay with my boyfriend.
Mads : we understand Nessy .

- few days later -

POV Bryce

Nothing have change for Josh . But a lot of  things happened. First , Josh's parents are in town ! Secondly , Addi avoids me now . I don't know why ! I mean I havent do anything for once !

I've decided to talk with Addison , I take my spare key of the girls's house and go there. I unlocked the door and go upstairs in Addison's room. She was filming a TikTok do I wait for her till she finish it.

Addison : ho..... hey Bryce !
Bryce : Addi why are you avoiding me lately ?
Addison : I don't see what you're talking about .
Bryce : seriously ?!
Nessa : Addi do you want to go seeing Josh with me ?
Addison : sure !

They rush to Nessa's car and I stay alone on Addi's room .

POV Addison

Addison : thanks you very much Ness .
Nessa : what were you talking about ?
Addison : he was talking about me avoiding him .....
Nessa : why do you do that?

I don't answer to her question and we arrive at the hospital . We go in Josh's room and immediately we see.....

POV Nessa

Nessa : hello . Why are you here ?
Mrs Richards : we are here to see our son sweetie. And you why are you here ?
Nessa : maybe because your son is my boyfriend.
Mr Richards: hello Nessa ! Ho and .... what's you name ?
Addison : my name is Addison. Nice too meet you sir .

Josh's mother was looking at me on a mean way and Addison and me were really uncomfortable.

Addison : Ness can we go to Starbucks?
Nessa : yes sure .

Josh's mother turn to face her husband and say to him :
Mrs : you see , your son's girlfriend doesn't really care about him she preferred go to a stupid coffee shop!

I'm so angry ! Addison saw that and take my hand to take me outside .

Addison : calm down Ness . She is a bitch .
Nessa : how can she even say that ?!

Addi try to calm me down but it doesn't work a lot . I hate Josh's mother , I know he probably don't want me to think that but it's the truth.

Nessa : ho and Addi ! Why  were you avoiding Bryce ?
Addison : because I don't know how he is gonna react ....
Nessa : about what ?
Addison: I'm pregnant....

I'm so happy !! Bradisson is back !!

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