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We all get up at 9. Wen made breakfast and coffee. We walk out the balcony to eat.

" So have you ever made dumplings?" Wen

" Yes just a couple of times with Ji and her mom. We made shrimp and pork ones. I remember my hands cramping but we made 500 for a big family gathering." Me

" I remember that... my hands hurt for days . We are not making that many?! 50 should be good." Ji

" Well let finish breakfast and start the filling.." Wen

" I wonder what the boys are doing?" Ji

" Naked stretching and naked dancing..." Wen laughs as she says this

" I would pay 1 million dollars to see that.." Ji

" Honey, hundreds of millions of their fans would pay that... Wen when do you become such a pervert? I have never heard you say anything dirty.." me

" I miss Jin and I wish I would have told him I adore him.. and we talked about making dumplings together" Wen

" That sounds serious.. dumping making is like food sex..." Ji

"Omg! Your right... he likes me!!! Well now I will have good practice to make them with him" Wen

" This is a weird conversation... now I want to see Namjoon dance naked... I bet he would for me" me

Wen and Ji look at me and blush.

" What?" Me

" Did you mean to say that aloud... about Namjoon?" Ji

" No. Sorry.. I am horny I guess.." me

" Aren't we all..." Ji

We all laugh and shake our heads yes. We take our plates in and I wash them
quickly. The girls start to get all out ingredients together. I wash the vegetables next.

" Can we put on some music?" Me

" Sure have your heard of BTS?" Wen

" Why no.. should we listen to them?" Ji

Wen puts on a shuffle and we sing along as we prepare dumplings.

" They really are amazing together.." Ji

Wen and I nod in agreement.

" So Jackson is bringing a friend.. it is killing me inside not to know who it is..." Wen

" If it's a girl or boy..?" Me

" Well that too.. but somebody famous!?" Wen

" Oh, Wen.. you little fan girl!" Ji

" Shut up! Think about this from my point of view... people you only read about or saw on tv show up in your house ? It's crazy and so freaking amazing!" Wen

" I can see that.. like if Post Malone showed up here I would freak!" Me

" Same.. sorry for giving you a hard time.. I love you Winnie the Pooh! " Ji

" You did not just call me that!!" Wen is super red faced

" Ha,Ha!" Ji

Ji runs her room and locks the door.

" You promised to never call me that again!" Wen

Ji is laughing so hard.

I bring the wrapper and filling to the table.

" Come out Ji and help or no dumplings for you.." me

" Ok, sorry Wen I couldn't resist." Ji

" Just don't call me that around the boys .. they would call that and I would be mortified " Wen

" I promise" Ji

We roll and talk about who Jackson could be bringing. It goes pretty quick and we are done. We have plenty of time to ourselves before we need to start dinner.

I go to my room to get ready to go to the gym. My phone starts buzzing.

Did you use you toys last night? It's all I can think about- Namjoon

No. I want to wait ..👌- me

👀 .. good I like to watch- Namjoon

I know👅- me

Can we have clean conversation or it's going to be a long week.... - me

Yes and it already is😭- Namjoon

So change of subject.. do you know if Jackson has a girlfriend? - me

I don't think so .. unless it's really new - Namjoon

Are you sleeping ok without me?- me

Yes Suga puts in a wig and we snuggle together- Namjoon

WTH... that would be so cute to see- 🤮me

It's been ok but I miss your warm and sexy body- Namjoon

I wore your shirt to bed last night and nothing else- me

Not again... I can't have this conversation right now the guys are staring at me and I know I am blushing- Namjoon

Mae .. stop taking dirty to Namjoon- Suga.

Nope- me

He is smiling like a idiot and blushing - Suga

Good and stop being a jealous ass- me

Your right... I need some 🍑- Suga

Gross .. but I think you do..- me

He is so happy and making music that is .. well just wait till you hear it-

Thanks Suga .. you my new bestie- me

I better be 😊- Suga

Suga is smiling like an idiot- Namjoon

I wonder why?- me

Are you leaving me out?- Jungkook

Never.. how are you doing? Are you eating good food?- me

I am good and we always eat well.. but we all miss you- Jungkook

Why are you so damn sweet? - me

🤔 because I just am .. your lucky to know me- Jungkook

Sorry that was for Suga- me

Yeah.. I know that is not true.. he is sweet? 🙄- Jungkook

With me he is- me

Lies... I am the sweetest one here hands down.. - Jungkook

Ok? You are a sweet❤️- me

I head out to the gym.

The boys beside meWhere stories live. Discover now