"Besides, I could never hate you."

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"Come in." Sophie called. She was laying in her bed shocked by what happened the past week. Dex admitted to liking Biana, she just turned 17, oh and she was going to live in the forbidden cities for a year.

"Excited to see me foster?" Keefe said as he laid on top of the covers.

"I'll be seeing you every single day for the next year!"

"Guess that means you have to be comfortable with me even more, right?" Sophie groaned as she got up to see him. His expression reminded her of the time he showed his true self in the medical tent in Exilium.

"What's wrong keefe?" Sophie asked.

"I am taking the rest of the neverseen down with you." he whispered. That's when Sophie fell into shock again. The neverseen was diminishing, and it will be just her and Keefe finishing them off. The rest of their friends are finishing the elite levels, getting their lives back on track, and moving on. But her and Keefe had one last job. (cue flashback)

"I don't want to leave Mr. Forkle! Why can't they finish their own problems by themselves?" Sophie yelled. "And why will it be just me and Keefe?" She didn't mean to say the last question out loud, but it just slipped.

"Miss Foster, if the Neverseen were capable of fixing their problems alone, I wouldn't be sending you and Keefe out to finish them. The collective believe they might sink back into rebellion if they had the opportunity. You and Keefe are the most competent people we know to figure out the Neverseens wishes. You both have photographic memory, critical thinking skills, and are the most connected out of everyone. I may visit occasionally, to give you information about everything and everyone. Please don't argue with me, if you had the opportunity to pick someone else, would you pick them over Keefe."

Sophie hesitated. After several minutes she said. "No I don't think I would." (back to the present)


"Yes keefe?" she answered.

"Please don't hate me." he said. But before Sophie could respond he tackled her to her bed giving her a tickling attack. "Keefe! S-Stoopppp!!" she yelled between her laughter. He needed her to have those emotions right now. Her mood needed to have no weights on it so it couldn't drag her down to hopelessness. He'd felt her go down there a few times, and he never wanted her to feel that way again.

Keefe slowed his attacks as Sophie sat up staring at him. "Why'd you do that Keefe?"

"You know you enjoyed it Foster, besides, you needed to know how great of a tickler I can be."

Sophie rolled her eyes as she got up and walked in her closet. "I'll be back." she called. Keefe felt better because of Sophie. He got up too and started remaking her bed and organizing her things. He knew that was probably weird, but he enjoyed making her things look nice.

When Sophie walked out, she wore this lilac colored dress that went a little above her knees. She had silver heels and the necklace Keefe gave her when he found out her Panakes necklace couldn't be worn. She held a small wrapped present out to him, as she studied her room.

"Keefe.. Why did you clean my room? I won't be using it for the next year, you know." She asked.

"Ehh, it looks nice and clean, and when we get back it will feel even better. Is this for me?"

"Yeah, now open it!"

Inside the box held one of Sophie's memory logs. "What's this for Foster?"

"Inside of it are things I've always wanted to share with you, but couldn't. It's nothing weird!" Sophie promised when she saw his jaw drop a little. "Most of it are things from the forbidden cities that we could explore together, but some of it are memories or thoughts I've recorded the past year."

"Foster..This is the kindest gift I've ever gotten, not that I get many gifts." His eyes started to tear up and Sophie held him into a tight hug, bigger than all the others she'd given. "I really care about you Keefe, and I know we will get through everything together, no matter what it is or where we are, I will be there for you. Besides, I could never hate you Keefe."

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