12| Caring hugs and healing kisses

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Omg, finally I got this updated! I'm really sorry for the long wait...

This chapter is only half rectified through... And it's pretty long..

The many different smells seemed to catch him in thousands of different cobwebs. The boy's gaze wandered around, and it became a challenge to find focus on the direction in front of him. His eyelashes fluttered as he stepped around the street on shaky legs. The many impressions made him completely soft in the knees. The cool breeze whizzed through his mocha-colored curls and made his smile dance around his face. He fell slowly but violently into a dreamlike stage and he didn't have a single chance to pull himself up again. At the same time that he heard nothing around him, he heard everything. The faintly glowing eyes fluttered, throbbing with a liquid.

And then the hunting instinct came into play.

The boy's smile swayed around the corners of his mouth and his whole body immediately went from a tense bow to a supple elastic that could easily twist around the many people completely unnoticed in search of the perfect prey. He was like the cunning serpent that twisted around between people's feet. The sensory impressions spun around in his brain while his feet rushed across the asphalt. He had lost the grip around himself as his sharp fangs were forced out and began stinging in his gums. This was not meant to happen.

Lost on the wave, a liquid flowed from the corner of his mouth, but no one seemed to notice the boy wearing the black coat and the curly mocha-colored hair, which fell lightly and airily into his wild face. And in one fell swoop, it all disappeared.

He stopped, confused, and far from aware of his good consciousness. He saw nothing, he heard nothing, he felt nothing. And quite slowly he turned on his heels and lost all his monstrous expression. His eyes closed tightly in, followed by bloodshot pain from his teeth that broke the surface of his lip.

The car did not hit him, just managed to turn away. But the truck that came thundering from behind did, and it smashed into the boy, who was pulled violently under it, at the same time that it made hard braking and slid across the road and then overturned around on the side.

Glass and loud bangs rumbled like awakened earthquakes through the air, and Yeosang found himself feeling how rib after rib broke, leaving him in a gasping pain. Cars flew into the truck from behind, creating even more unrest in the boy's already smashed body. But he did not die.

His eyes were rolling around in his eye sockets as he felt the weight press more and more down on him. The air was pushed out of him and it suddenly popped with a crunching sound somewhere inside his chest. If he had been addicted to breathing right now, he would have been suffocated in his own blood, which rose up from his trachea. The boy coughed half-suffocated unstoppably on the viscous liquid as if his body did not register that he could neither be killed nor was dependent on his airways. The weight pressing down against his chest stretched provocatively slowly beyond the rest of his body and the desperate cough died out to an almost inhuman sound from his throat. He couldn't move, and with a deep panicked root sticking through him, he turned his head away from the pressure. It was no help as the truck fell with its complete weight down on the boy.

Yeosang heard the crack of his skull, and if it had not been for all the blood that kept spilling from his mouth, he would have screamed out in pain. Nothing could surpass the inhuman pain that shot alarmingly through his entire body while the crushing sound permeated all his senses. He trashed around in a way without being able to move, on the run from the uncomfortable feeling of his own head being blown up. He squeezed his eyes hard and tears found their way out.

Yeosang hissed out of the smell of blood surrounding the area that stretched for miles around him. His fangs swam around in his own unsatisfactory taste of blood and he quickly felt his instincts split in two; one, the hunting instinct, and the other, the survival instinct. But he was too weak and could do nothing but feel more connected to the ground than ever before.

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