The Devil Beside Me

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Every single student inside the University turned their heads around as a sudden simultaneous loud beeps from the school intercom was heard.

[ Attention everyone, the school is now Implementing Code Blue. All academic and curricular activities will halt. Students are required to return to their respective dwellings immediately. Students are prohibited from going outside effective immediately. ]

"P'Dim what's happening?" Pear asked.

Everyone around had the same question and worrying face on. Code Blue?

The school handbook had little to no explaination regarding this as this had not happened for so many years now.

P'Dim had a serious expression on his face, with a loud voice he instructed all the students around to follow the intercom's instructions waving his hands to them.

The students left one by one. 15 minutes later, only P'Dim and Green were left in an empty Auditory room.

"What do we do now Dim? Win and the four boys hadn't return yet. Should we, maybe, look for them?" Green suggested facing his boyfriend.

Win did not return for a long time after excusing himself during lunchtime. Fong called him but Win left his phone inside his sling bag. Bright got worried and suggested Fong they find Win with Man and Boss tagging along.

Soon after they left the announcement from the school intercom was heard.

"We might not find them here." P'Dim answered walking outside. "If it's code blue then something bad must've happened."

The University houses both regular and rich students from society; In order to protect their well being and safety the school prohibits any type of violence that may result in endangering a person's physical and mental condition.

As a Council President, Dim knew what this code means. It means a person was harmed enough that it had required Hospital admittance.

If such a thing happens the Security Committee will immediately launched an investigation. All types of entry will be closed. CCTVs will be reviewed and students won't be allowed to go out until it's over.

P'Dim's phone rang. Looking at the caller ID P'Dim calmly press a button to answer, "The Security Committee is on it. What do you want me to do?"

"Meet us here at the hospital location I sent you. Let the school handle the investigation."

P'Dim sighed, Bright's voice just now do you say this? Calm yet scary at the same time. Like a person suppressing his anger inside.

"Understood." P'Dim answered ending the phone call.

"Was that Bright? Is everything okay? Where are we going Dim?" Green questioned following his boyfriend. A car was already waiting for them outside of the school gate.

"They're okay but I don't think the students behind this will be." Said P'Dim as they drove to the hospital.

Bless their souls. I will lit a candle for them in the future.

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