Chapter 16

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Daddy Yankee - Limbo

Skye's POV

(8 hours earlier)

So this bitch thinks she can challenge me and Daniel will want to be with her? If she wins which I highly doubt she will...-

"Who are you?" I purred loudly, competely up for paying Danny back for helping out that chit.

For not sticking up for me when he should have.

"Andrew Kelly..a blond scott if you must ask lass' " he growled right back making my spine tingle.

"What did you have in mind then darling? i asked aware of the tension in the crowd.

"A dance battle-"

"Oh no problem she may be black but I can still whoop that ass." cut in Sarah

"I pick the song then since my defeat has been written in the stars..." I said dreamily looking up.

Like the retards they are everyone looked up itching to catch a glimpse of a the middle of the flipping day. ( -__- ) Note my sarcasim is heavily saturating the narration of their movments. EVERYONE's movements...people I sware.

**Cue Song**

I heard the song blasting from speakers on a tricked out truck from one of the hispanics. I let Sarah go first. The song was almost 4 minutes Sarah tried to grind and shimmy like she was hispanic. Inside I was howling with laughter on the outsie I just watched her failed attempt at not only rhythm but to pull off moves that didnt go along with the theme of the song..Zumba and doing the limbo. She ended it by getting stuck bent over with her hair on the ground and her head just an inch away from the nasty floor. Not being able to help myself I chuckled at the whistles and the cat calls...these bitches wont know what hit them. Only a few know about how I get when I hear a song I like...and how my Auntie hosted Zumba classes with me teaching them on her tired days. I put on the comfortable sneakers that were broken in. Sarah sniggered at the condition of them but I saw her secretly rubbing her feet which had the skin torn and rubbed raw from the wooden floor. I shook and shimmied my way around the floor using proops and people who joined in with me since they knew what I was going to do. Red faced Sarah watched as I continued to dance to the next 5 songs with no breaks in between not stopping at all. I couldnt stop I knew I needed to, my body was so tired. But I felt like the rythm and the flow of my natural high replacing my blood. It was in my bones, my soul. i watched behind fake lusty eyes the trance i put all the males in, The fun i promised. The girls were hyped up, trying to do better but failing miserably. I was born from music, it was the other half of my soul. My strength and speed wanned as I became visibly tired, sweat drenched my body as it struggled to keep up with my demands. My brain flying my body falling..litteraly. Andrew caught me and held me bridal style. I was in a daze when we made it to his car..passing an angry Micheal who I wouldnt let touch me in while i was in my zone. Daniel was by our side in a second. I fell in and out of sleep as time passed. I was snuggled into a nice warm body that soothed my aches when my bell rang and in stormed Mikey with his mom and my Aunt. I remember arguing and forcing everyone but Andrew to leave. I jumped him his lips to mine..his hands removing my shirt. Lips at my neck. Then he stopped, I heard words but they made no sense...he left me. He couldnt touch someone who clearly wanted someone else. Daniel. I did say his name. And he appeared in my hallway. With a fuzzy lightheaded sort of tunnel vision I stumble after him and we layed in my bed. I felt like I was at home. I voiced how I was supposed to be alone. He asked me if I believed in love. If i would give it a try. I snuggled into his arms deeper and said yes. Only if it was with him. My eyelids dropped heavily and I fell into a deep sleep.

(Present Time)

"Daniel" I whispered.

"Hmmmhmm" he groaned turning to lay on me fully.

"Danny? What happened? Why does my body hurt so much?" I asked afraid of the answer. i looked to my left happy to see the window where its supposed to be.

"You out danced Sarah to some song..dont you remember? It was great, I dont think ive ever seen anyone out do her at anything daling with zumba. She was crushed." As he mumbled the last words he crushed his face into my boobs nuzzling and breathing in deeply.

i squirmed and he moaned his disaprooval.

:Keep that up and I will teach you the danny way of tango missy." he spoke in my ear.

I froze his chest smelt of sugar, his breath was...was minty with a hint of chocolate.

"what did yoo do bathe in a fruckin' candy store??" I pushed him off the bed schreeching.

"Arrghh! Damnit! I was enjopying my pillow! and no i just smell and taste wonderful now..lay back down so i can find sleep before i get dont want to start something you cant finish like yesterday." He grummbled and groaned after pouncing on me.

The jerk off POUNCED on me!!! Then trapped me fully under him. His nose in my neck tickling with his sweet breath. His semi hard on was just above the right place. I wiggled down and wrapped my legs around him before I cold question what time it was.

"did you say YESTERDAY??? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?? dANIEL!!!!" I yelled in his ear.

He falls of the bed again.

"SKYE!!!" he yelled as i run and lock myself in the bathroom.

What am i doing?


Sooo sorry for the crappy upload but this is dedicated to one of my curiious kitten fans who didnt get the last chapter. This is explaining why she was dreaming about things that didnt happen. I mean who in their right mind would be awake when a window disappears into thin air?? I know this is fiction and anything is possible but I would like you people to enjoy my story...not think of cartoons..


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