001. wanna play tennis?

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"ugh I am so done with dating" Ellie sighed, slamming the door behind her and kicking off her shoes by the door.
"tell me about it" Corbyn scoffed, handing her a beer and sitting next to her on the floor of their apartment.
"you have a girlfriend, you haven't been on a proper date for ages" Ellie opened her beer and took a swig from the bottle.
"well that's gonna change" corbyn picked up the remote and switched the TV onto Netflix. "we broke up"
"why? you two were so cute"
"she said she felt like we just "fizzled out". what does that even mean!?"
"not a clue"
"What happened at your date anyway, you don't seem too pleased with it"
"the date was fine- it was him that wasn't" she took another sip of her beer.
"What did he do?" Corbyn asked, suddenly intrigued.
"d'you remember that one Brooklyn nine-nine episode when jake has weird dead guy sex with that girl? yeah, that" she laughed as she watched Corbyn's face screw up in disgust.
"I didn't think it would be that bad- urgh that's gross"
Ellie hummed in response and nodded her head as she took a final sip of her beer. "do you have any more of these? I need so many more" she exaggerated.
"I dunno lemme check" Corbyn got up off the floor and walked over to the fridge. "nope, but I do have this- well it's jonah's but he won't mind us having a bit of it." He said, producing a bottle of cheap rosè.
"Ooh, screw-top!" Ellie said sarcastically clapping her hands like a child.
"eh, it does the job." corbyn smiled, screwing off the top and pouring the drink into two glasses for the pair.
"sex should be like tennis," Ellie said, continuing their conversation once Corbyn sat down.
"because dead people don't play tennis?" he laughed, confused at Ellie's statement.
Ellie just rolled her eyes.
"I mean, you don't get emotional after tennis, you don't need to cuddle or be all cutesy- you just shake hands n get on with your life."
"I see what you mean, like, what happened to friends with benefits? that was always such a good idea." Corbyn finished his glass and poured himself another, also topping Ellie's glass up for her.
"the movie ruined it, it made people think it would work if they ended up liking each other."
"that's so true- oh shit sorry" corbyn gasped as he knocked the bottle over and it was sent flying onto ellies lap, staining her white shirt burgundy.
"It's fine, it's fine! it was getting too small anyway- ill just get another one from my room."
Ellie picked up the bottle, put it back on the coffee table and got up. she took her shirt off and flung it into a nearby laundry basket, not caring that Corbyn was watching her. the mix of alcohol and the heavy mood in the room sparked an idea in Corbyn's mind.
"el..?" he called out, peering his head around the wall to see her walking off.
"yeah?" she called back, turning around and walking back to him.
"...do you wanna play tennis?"

First rewrite chapter done :)

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