Missing (Not requested)

17 3 6

Trigger warning: Violence

Also short and was bored

Wake up.
Idiot. I said wake up.
Well, have fun getting possibly killed...

Colorado's POV

"Where... where am I?..." I guess Iowa had the same question as I. Where even are we?!


The events of last night suddenly flowed back into Colorado like a stream. His breaths became more shaky. It was... cold. Colorado was used to the extreme cold, but he's never felt more cold. He wished he didn't wear shorts, especially in this cold. (a/n: feel you colo, I do that all the time :') ) Iowa clenched Colo's arm. "I'm sorry..." He started crying. Colo stroked his back, trying to calm him down.

Someone walked in and shut the metal door. They walked towards the two. "Oh look at you deux.." They chuckled. It was Canada. He was grinning and he had blood on his face.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT, CANADA?! GET OVER IT ALREADY!" Iowa basically screamed at him. Canada flung the axe at Iowa's stomach. He screamed and slipped into the floor, hitting his head on the hard, rock floor. Colorado tackled Canada but was given the same treatment. "Sorry, my fingers slipped." Canada chuckled and fixed his racoon hat. He grabbed the pocket knife and threw it at Iowa. "'Get over it already.' Well why don't you?!" He yelled back at the state and walked out, shutting the door afterwards.

"Non.. non-sense!" Colo yelled. He slowly crawled back to Iowa. "My friend... I'll see you... on the other side.." He started to close his eyes. "Rado, please.. stay, don't give up.." The Mountain State let go. Iowa checked for pulse. He started crying. "...I'll get him back for you.. I love you..."




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