2: Dear Hic-Hic-Hiccup

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"Aren't you going to eat?"


"Aren't you going to eat something?" Eleanore asks, pointing her slender sepia finger at the massive plate of pastries set between the two girls.

"Oh, yes," Aurelia replies, reaching for a scone while smiling at her closest friend. "Sorry, I was just distracted." The lie slips through her lips as smooth as velvet. The truth was she had been waiting for permission to eat.

"I don't blame you," Eleanore teases. "I can't take my eyes off those Durmstrang boys either." She bites her lip while her caramel eyes scan over Hogwarts' new students. It's then Aurelia realizes where she had been staring.

Aurelia rolls her eyes before tossing a napkin across the table, hitting her friend in the face. "Wipe your mouth, Ellie. You're drooling."

"You think any of them are pure-bloods?" Ellie asks, turning her attention back to her breakfast and swatting the napkin away. "I'd love to have myself a Bulgarian beau this year."

"They're all pure-bloods," Draco states, joining in on the conversation, "or most are anyways. Durmstrang doesn't accept muggle-borns as students." He crosses his arms on the table and leans towards Ellie. "Father wanted to send me there, but mother didn't want me so far away. Pity. If I were there, I wouldn't have to deal with Potter."

The girls roll their eyes at the mention of the Boy-Who-Lived. Draco couldn't go a day without complaining about the kid, even on breaks. Unfortunately, the phrase "out of sight out of mind" wasn't a part of Draco's lexicon. However, Harry's name didn't only come out of Draco's mouth. Harry's name had slipped from her parents' lips many times and not for good reasons.

"Sick of the name," Goyle gruffs from beside Draco. "Overheard my father talking to some mates this summer. Apparently, Potter shouldn't be a problem much longer." He finishes his statement by shoving a whole waffle in his mouth.

Aurelia cringes at the sight. She picks at her pastry before placing a piece in her mouth, which causes her stomach to growl. Not realizing how hungry she was, Aurelia takes a proper bite out of the sticky treat before wondering aloud. "Shouldn't be a problem much longer? What's that supposed to mean? Sounds a bit ominous..."

Goyle shrugs.

"Who cares," Draco whines. "Hogwarts without Harry Potter. Now that'd be a dream come true."

"What's up with Potter and our parents anyway?" Ellie inquires. "I understand he..." she leans in closer to the group so they can hear her whisper, "defeated You-Know-Who. But how big of a threat could one 14-year-old boy be?"

"He's not so much a threat," Michael Beaumont's voice sounds from above the group of gossiping teens. He stands directly behind Aurelia with his books held loosely at his side. "He's more of a pesky meddler. Always finds a way to save the day. Or, in other words, foil the plan."

"And what is it exactly that our parents are planning?" Draco turns his gaze up at Michael.

The young Malfoy boy had always admired him. He's ruled the Slytherin house by fear under the facade of respect since his first year. He's a Sixth-Year now, so his reign is soon ending, but no one has dared to challenge him on his station. Michael is also only a year older than Aurelia and most of their friends but always acts as if spending time with them is more like babysitting than hanging out. But in the world of Pure-Bloods, status is everything, so the friend group welcomes him in whenever he feels like joining them.

"If your father hasn't told you, he obviously doesn't want you to know. Maybe when you're older, he'll trust you enough with such important information."

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