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Jack got pushed to the ground. Hey look it's the baby grandpa, one teased. Oh what are you goona cry, another said. Jack was on the verge of tears. His face hurt were one of the boys slapped him. He curled into a ball. One boy was about to kick him when. A angel like voice said. "Back off leave him alone." The boys knew that she could be very scary. They all scrambled off. The girl with her hair in a high ponytail smiled. Hi, are you ok she asked. Jack nodded. I'm Elsa Arendelleb she smiled. I'm. Jackson Frost but you can call me Jack, he said. I'm sorry for what they did to you, she said. It's ok Jack said. I have never seen you in the halls are you new? Yeah my first day here, Jack said.

Well come on lets play she said. She dragged him in a playful way to the playground. So where are your friends, Jack asked I don't have many its just me and my sis, Elsa smiled hanging from the monkey bars. Where are yours? I don't have any Jack looked down. Well me and you could be friends, Elsa said.

Really? Yeah.

Over time they have been inseparable. They did everything togehter. They went to each others birthday parties, trick or treating, Christmas, Easter, valentines day, everything.

Now they are on for the last year of highschool, Join Jack and Elsa as thier friendship is put to the test

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