first day

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Elsa pro

Elsa woke up to the sound of her alarm. She looked at her calendar. Today's the first day of school, she cheers. She grabs her towel and takes a nice cold shower.

After she's done she puts on a white-cream lace top the sleeves are above her elbow, a back skirt, with sunflowers on it, black ballerina flats,a good braclet, she put on light makeup, she french braided her hair and grabbed her over blue backpack.

Anna was shoving down chocolate pancakes, her mom was flipping pancakes, her dad reading the news paper. Morning Mom and Dad, Elsa cheers and sits down at the table, and pours strawberry syrup on her pancakes. Good morning Elsa, her mother said.

I gotta go by mom and dad, Elsa said rushing out the door. Her bestest Friend Jack was sitting thier with a smile in his car. She jumped in next to him. Hi Jack, Elsa said. Hi Els.

Jack drove into the school yard. I have my gift for you, Jack said. Me too, Elsa smiled.

I want you to open yours first, Elsa said handing him a box. Jack opend it up inside was a brand new sliver watch. Elsa it's amazing thank you, Jack said hugging her. Im glad you like it, Elsa smiled. Well here's you gift, Jack held out a box. Elsa opend if to see a magical rose in a glass contaner it's in the media Jack it's absolutly beutiful, Elsa said admiring the rose.

I'm glad you like it, Jack said scratching the bsck of his neck. Come on Elsa said pulling him into the school. Hi Elsa Arendelle, and Jack Frost we need our scduale.

Ok here's that for you two, a Lady said giving them both a paper. What's your locker number, Elsa asked. 314. Awesome I got 313, Elsa said dragging Jack once again. But he don't mind, she could drag him to the ends of the earth, for sll he cares. Ok my lockers all set up, how's it going Jack?

I'm all done, He said sounding accompished.  The bell rung. Jack and Elsa walked into English. They sat next to each other. Soon all the other students went in the class to.

Ok class just becuase it's the first day of school dosnet mean Ill go easy on you I want you to finish an Essay by the end of this class about your favoite season, She said strictly. Everyone nodded and began.

After 15 minutes Elsa had placed her paper on the teachers desk. The techer looked like she saw a gost. She picked up the paper. She slammed it on her desk. Good you may do what ever you want, Miss Arendelle, and good job. Elsa sat at her desk and pulled out a book. Soon everyone finished.

You may go to your next class.
Jack tell me your whole scedual, Elsa said.
1.) English laugage arts
2.) Art
3.) Math
4.) Theater/music
5.) Gym
6.) Lunch
7.) Languages
8.) History
9.) Science
She read. Jack same classes as last year, she cheered. They walked to the art room. After you malady, Jack said opening the door in a princley way. Why thank you my good sir, Elsa giggled. She walked into the room.

Colorful colors filled the room. Ok class my name is Ms. Sheets. And I want you to draw something that means a lot to you, and please make it school apoperate we can't have another repeat, she shudders. Elsa and Jack giggled.

Elsa was drawing a her family, Jack was drawing him and Elsa on the ice.

Ok class I want this finished before class tommaro, Mrs. Sheets said. Everyone nodded.

Time skip to end of the day.

FriendsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora