you came

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Jack was gearing up for hockey practice. The other teammates were talking, but Jack stayed silent. Frost in counting on you, Coach said. Of course coach Kelly, Jack said. On three?
1 2 3 go gaurdians him and his whole team shouted. They all went to the ice,  Jack was looking for Elsa checking if she was their. He didn't see her. He went into position. The other team came up called posidons. Jack put his stick to the ground. They team faced off. The gauridans got the puck. Jack raced around fast as lightning.

He got the puck he went around the railing. He slightly looked to the side to see Elsa smiling and cheering. He smiled knowing she was hear.

Soon that moment went off. Becuase Jack was jolted back gasps where heard. His head spinning, his back in pain. Two coaches helped him off the ice. Jack was sitting in the dugout. (I'm not sure what you call it) He saw Elsa rushing to him. She sat next to him.

Jack are you ok? Yeah I'm fine, Jack sighs. Jack look we have been through a lot together and I dont want this to ruin our friendship, Elsa said. Belive me Els, I don't want our friendship gone either. Ok let's put this behind us, Elsa said.

Jack nodded

Now go out thier and Kick some gods ass, Elsa cheers. Jack smiled and skated on to the ice after a while the Gauridans won 17-5. Elsa came and hugged him tighly. Elsa I'm sweaty you know, Jack said. I don't care I can just shower later, Elsa said. Jack wished it could be like this forever.

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