Chapter 39: My Secret Garden

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"The venue of course has to be magnificent. It would be strange for someone like you to have a small waiting. What about a destination wedding to a castle?" Their wedding planner, Raven, suggested.

"Is that really needed? That sounds way too fancy, plus we already live in a mansion." Trixie said feeling out of place and awkward.

"Well, you just want it to be memorable, but we can think about that later. What about the guest list? Have you given any thought about how many people you'd like?" Raven asked.

"I think five hundred guests is good, and then press of course. We'll need a lot of space for press, we need everyone to see how amazing this wedding is." Katya said to their wedding planner making Trixie's eyes widen.

"Katya, oh my god, no." The doll said.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"I don't want five hundred guests. I don't want a destination wedding or a castle. I don't want a media circus, I'm not doing that." Trixie said in an annoyed tone.

"Well babe, it's just normal, you know. There are a lot of people who'll want to be there, and then there's the press, and we might need a lot of space. It's like what Raven said, it would be wierd for someone like us to have a small wedding.." The business woman started to say, but Trixie just rolled her eyes and stepped out of the room.

She walked out in the garden where she met Mrs. Zamolodchikova. Katya's parents had decided to stay to help with wedding preparations as the pair had decided to marry quickly due to all the press ruckus, which also meant that everything now was becoming a full on chaos.

"Trixie? Honey, what's wrong?" Pat asked kindly, wrapping the girl up in a mom hug.

"I'm just.. I'm not good with all this. I lived well in my apartment sure, but I came from nothing originally and I'm still not used to splurging like Katya does. Also, I don't want a wedding where I won't know half of the people there. 'Cause like, what's the point?" Trixie huffed out as they pulled back from the hug, sitting down on a bench as they looked out at the beautifully planted trees and flowers.

"I'm not used it either. We have never been rich, you know? But Katya... she's gotten used to that life. I don't blame her, but I think she gets lost in the expactations of her investors and the public. She wants everything big because she thinks that's what they expect of her, but I'm sure she doesn't actually care about any of that stuff." Katya's mother said.

"You really think so?" 

"Yes, sweetheart. I'm sure of it. All that girl really cares about is you, she just needs some help remembering what's important now and then." Pat said with a warm smile, giving the young girl's hand a squeeze before walking inside the house just as she saw her daughter exit.

Katya walked over to the doll, stopping for a second to admire the way the sunlight made her golden hair glow like a halo around her.

"This seat taken?" The blue eyed girl asked.

"Not anymore." The younger girl responded, and Katya sat down seconds later.

"I'm sorry, I was stupid. This is about us, and I've made everything about proving to the press that our relationship is real. I haven't given you the chance to say what you actually want." Katya said sincerely.

"It's okay, I just don't want our wedding to be about that. I know we got engaged quickly for the press conference and that we're getting married quickly to make sure that all remaining doubt goes away, but that should be enough." Trixie replied.

"That is enough, It's more than enough, and I should have never pushed for more. So, what do you want our wedding to be like?"

"I just want our closest friends, our family, and us. I want something simple, heartfelt, and true. Not something glamorous, showy and fake. I'd like us to get married here, right here in this garden." The brown eyed girl said as she looked around at the magnificent garden, admiring the wildness they'd managed to keep even tho it was such well-tended nature. 

"I think that sounds perfect. See, I told you, you're my gravity, you keep me grounded." Katya said with a smile, placing an arm around the doll.

"And as cute as that statement is, I still think it's cheesy." Trixie teased before leaning in to kiss her fiancé.

"You're gonna have to deal with that cheesiness forever." The blue eyed girl said as they pulled away.

"I think I can deal with that. Forever sounds nice." The doll said as she layed her head down on Katya's shoulder.

"It really does." Katya replied.

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