Chapter 1

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    It was a hot night in New York. My mother had just finished making me dinner when i heard a knock on my front door. I gracefully walked to my door.
As I opened it, I was surprised to see the new rich girl down the road,Rosemary.
She had chocolate brown hair, a porcelain white face. Seemed like she not a single indent or wrinkle on her face, except for a small mole on the right side of her lip. She had a southern accent.

"Hello!" she said, catching her breath.
"Hello, what are you doing here so late?" I said
"Haha I apologize for seeing you so late however my family is hosting a ball on Saturday night, I've been going door to door inviting people" she said shyly
"Well, I suppose. What time?"  I said
"At 5pm, at our house, wear the best dress you've got- I apologize I must go-" she said as she ran off in her afternoon dress.

Strange. Strange was the only word that came to my head. Why would a girl my age go around the block to invite others to a ball on a Saturday? Well, she is new here, guess it was a different way of inviting people in Alabama.

  I thought about her when I was starting to go to sleep. Her skin was so perfect, so pale. Her hair seemed even more perfect, was a dark chocolate brown, so shiny in the candle light. She looked perfect but acted unlawfully. She was unmannered yet wasn't rude. Coming to people homes at night? You can be caught dead for doing something so stupid like that!

As I thought about her, i began to drift off into sleep. Slowly letting go of all thought.

I woke up at 5 am to the birds chirping and horses galloping. I put on my school uniform and walked to school. While walking, I had ran paths into Rosemary. She had her hair up in braids, a smile on her face.
"Good morning Irene!" said Rosemary
"Good morning Rosemary." I said in a sassy tone.
She smiled at me and I grinned back.
I was still observing her. She was skipping like a tot, for that we are more mature than one. Hell, we're both 3rd years in high school. How should she act like a tot when preparing for college? Strange.

After hours of studies, we finally were allowed to be released and return home. Rosemary began walking side to side with me all the way back to our road.
"Well.." She said looking at me "Are you coming to the ball tomorrow ?"
I stared at her and thought about last nights offer for a few minutes.
" I suppose, how many people are going to be there?"  i said
"Well, many people I met in school, a lot of kids on our street, some friends I made in church.." she listed
I thought for awhile. How has she been here for 2 weeks and already invited the whole local community? Ive lived here for 4 years and haven't made a single friendship, nor have i hosted a ball! I remember I used to sit in the middle of my ball room and imagine so many people dancing. Listening to the music, feeling the music. Gliding with their partners. Oh, to have a ball.

"Yes" I said
"Pardon me?" Rosemary asked
"I'll go tomorrow" I said

Rosemary smiled and started to skip again.
I returned home, and picked out tomorrow's ball gown.

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