I told u here are the hosts!

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Free's POV (he hasn't been that important in the story so this chapter is all his pov)

I was playing FNaF with Ashur.  "HOLY SHIZNITS FUDGE POPS HELL NAW" she yelled. The  reason why is because golden Freddy came. "Hey guys why are you scre- HOLY PIZZA" Freddy had came to check on us and freaked out "Hey Fredd head chill out its not real" Ben said and hopped out of the tv. "Yeah that just scares me even more Ben." He said. We laughedand every one came down. "Hey Ashur... i know this is sudden and we didnt even go on a date but with the time I've spent with you I've grown closer to you. So will you be my girlfriend?" Ben asked. "Yes!" Ashur yelled. I had a realy big grin on my face cause i had helped Ben with this. 'Teamcwafted fo eva' dang that door bell is amazing. "I'll get it!" I yelled. The others nodded and went back to playing FNaF. I looked through the peep hole. "Oh no... CORRI HIDE! IT'S OHSHC!" I yelled. "ON IT THANK YOU FREE" corri said. I opened the door."yes?" I asked " Hello I am Tamaki and these are Honey, Mori, Hikaru, Karou, and Kyoya. Kyoya has tracked a girl named Haruhi to this building so there is no use hiding her." Tamaki said. "Oh dear Corri there's no use u are gonna come out." I said "ok" she said and came out as Haruhi "hey tamaki, honey, mori, hikaru, karou, and kyoya." She said "Hi Haru-chan!" Honey said "well its actually Haruhi senpi now" she said "WHAT BUT YOUR 15 HONEY IS 17 AND WERE ALL 16!" Tamaki yelled "No im 18 you guys just didn't age." She said. "Well either way your still hot." The twins said (hikaru and karou). "Well you better not be hitting on her because she is mine and we have kids and finally i'm doing this." Seto came over and asked corri to become corri. She nodded and did as he told. He then got down on one knee "Corri i have known you for some time now and i love you more than anything so Corri End Aceti will you marry me?" He asked and showed a black ring with a purple gem on it. "YES A MILLION TIMES YES!" Corri yelled crying. Seto put the ring on Corri and helped her up. Then he kissed her. Tamaki turned ligit all white then normal again but angry "No! You can't marry anyone! Daddy won't allow it!" He yelled. "Ummmm. Tama-chan hate to break it to you but... you aren't my dad." Corri said. Tamaki ligit turned white again. "Well would you like to come in?" I asked and laughed abit about Tamaki. They nodded and the twins pushed Tamaki inside where he finaly regained himself. We all got to know eachother and layed down a few ruels. 1: DO NOT CALL US COMMENERS OR PRINCESS OR PRINCE WE ARE PERFECTLY WELTHY ENOUGH TO LIVE GOOD LIVES 2: do not hit on or flirt with anyone unless it's just a joke and the other person knows it's not real 3: there will be visitors that are fan girls so if they ask to see any if us and look like fans say no 4: no makeing people try stuff on looken at u twins and 5: we are gamers we dont use make up and wear dresses or tuxes unless its special. The hosts nodded "so what exactly is a 'gamer'?" The twins asked "Well we are youtubers so we make videos of us playing videogames or our writer Ender is a wattpader she makes books for the internet." I said HEY I'M NOT SUPOSED TO BE IN THIS STORY! SO DON'T BRING ME INTO THIS!!! "Shesh ok" i said "who was that and why can we only hear her in our minds?" Tamaki asked Oh I'm the writer of this story but i don't usually talk in them. So I'm basicly God to you. "Ok" he said (the fact that he's talking to god and just says 'ok' puts a grin on  my face!). "So are you guys staying?" I asked "can we?" Honey asked. "Sure!" I said and made more rooms. "Yayyyyyy" honey yelled.

Heyyy Poisson Sprinkles how was this? We gots a new character! Here she is

Creator: dreamsarealie

Name: Bella

Relitive to book character: yes

If yes who: seto

How: little sis


Hair: long brown with multi colored green highlight over one eye

How met: someone called seto telling him his sister is back from whatever

Crush: Husky

You imagine the rest

So yeah this is the new character! Her pic is up there just sayin only ashur's pic belongs to me!

Adam: LIKE


Ashur: SUB


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