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Hey all! I can't believe we've reached 400 followers! Thanks bunches!

For those of you who don't know, as a thank you, I'm updating "Wack-A-Harry" the same day as this story. The followers have spoken - sorry "A Foul Place Is Where I Love You" fans ... But I promise, you'll get another one soon. I love AFPIWILY too much to drop it.

Anyway, COVID-19 has officially hit my household. My sister and I are both negative for it, but my mom and stepdad are sick. No need to worry, though - it's not severe. I just am responsible for taking care of my sister until everyone is in the clear. Feel free to ask any questions if you're curious!

And as a side note, I had a question for you guys. I'm not sure how I feel about the covers of this story and "Wack-A-Harry" - the latter of which was posted so quickly and impulsively that I didn't put much time into it, and this one is fine, but I'm wondering if it could be better. I think I aced the AFPIWILY one (it has a significant meaning to the mystery of the plot, as a hint for some of you readers). If any of you guys are cover makers or artists and are interested in making me a cool cover for either or both of those stories, PM me or comment! I will also credit you in the summary ❤️.

Anyway, I think this story is long overdue for an update. Let's get to it!


Albus couldn't remember the last time he'd felt this exhilarated. Or terrified.

If someone had told him two days ago that, in the near future, he'd end up on a highly-illegal, dangerous plot to break into Hogwarts because his father could be alive - and with James, Lily, and Teddy, no less - he'd have notified the St Mungo's emergency hotline for the sheer lunacy of the statement.

But here he was, hiding with his brothers and sister in a shaded patch of shrubbery about half a mile from the little town of Hogsmeade. The summer sun was scorching and bright, causing his T-shirt to stick like an uncomfortable second skin—even the grass was shriveled and droopy, cowering away from the intense heat. Albus was suddenly very thankful that Ginny had advised they wear shorts before they'd left for Teddy's that morning.

The thought of his mother sent another pang of guilt reverberating through Albus's chest. Before Albus, James, and Lily had left, they'd told Ginny that they were going to spend the day at Teddy's while she was at work—when in reality, they'd only gone to Teddy's to use the Portkey to Hogsmeade. He hated lying to her, even by omission, especially when it was news of Harry that they were lying to her about. Ginny Potter was a strong woman and a wonderful mother, that was a fact no one could deny, but there was no question that she was still very hurt by her husband's sudden disappearance. Keeping something like this from her felt like secretly hoarding away a life-saving medication, and while Albus knew they had a perfectly good reason to lie, it still didn't stop him from being disgusted with himself.

Albus might be a Slytherin - cunning and ambitious - but a snake bites out of defense, not cruelty. Rearing his fangs in such a way made Albus feel dirty, and one glance at James and Lily said that they felt similarly. But, he reminded himself, it had to be done.

"Alright," said Teddy quietly, slinging a  little black backpack off his shoulder and onto the ground to pull out the Maurader's Map, which once again looked like nothing more than a spare bit of wrinkly old parchment. He handed it to Lily. "Remember the plan. Don't do anything stupid or reckless"—he shot James a pointed look—"and play it safe. Even if it means jeopardizing the mission—"

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