Chapter 1

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That scream that horrible heartbreaking scream that leaves your body when you lose someone you love. She fell to the ground and just let it out causing glasses and windows around her to shatter. Causing the fire from the candles to grow so big that it sat the red cloths around the room on fire. She pressed her forehead against the cold hard stone floor crying out in pain.

"Eva." A voice ringed through her ears. She felt hands on her shoulders. Eva looked up at Dorian. He was one of Alexander's older brothers. He had been standing with her the whole time. The other brother Lorzeno had someone holding a dagger to Dorian's throat when Alexander died. He was pulling her away. "Eva come on...come on we have to go."

" we can't...we can't leave him." She cried as Dorian pulled her away. He picked up a sword for protection.

"I know I don't want to but we don't have a choice." Dorian said "They will kill both of us both before we can even get revenge on them for doing this."

"After them!" Eva heard someone screamed but her and Dorian was running down the corridor. She believed it was Lorenzo who order the guys after them. Two guards got in front of them. Dorian kept Eva behind him pointing the sword towards the guards. The guards lunged at them and Dorian fought them off. Telling Eva to go to the stables he will met her there.

Eva ran away only to be stopped by to guards. She looked at them rage build up inside her she set them on fire. Dorian ran up to see what was happening.

"Let's go." He took her and hand. They got outside of the castle. They ran to the stables and he grabbed his horse and helped her up. The road to the front gates.

"Open the gates." Dorian said

"We have orders saying not to let anyone out." The guard said.

"Open the gate." Dorian said the guard just stood there. "Open the fucking gate!"

"We have orders sir not to open the gates." The guards said.

"I am the prince I said open them." Dorian said with a growl in his voice.

"Dorian!" A voice behind them called. Dorian looked back and saw Lorenzo and others running this way.

"Open it now!" Dorian yelled drawing his sword on the guard. An arrow flew pasted them. "Shit! Open it! Now! I SAID OPEN THE FUCKING GATE!"

The guard open it and the gate opened. Dorian could hear yelling from. Behind him he heard Lorzeno yelling to stop them. Dorian clicked his tongue and the horse started galloping. Men on horses chased after them.

Dorian's horse was faster and him and Eva was able to escape them.

Now they were somewhere far in the woods by a fire looking at it. Dorian has went hunting. When he came back she was still sitting there.

"Eva?" He said she didn't move or say anything at first. He moved next to her and put his hand on hers cause it was shaking. She looked up at Dorian.

"Why...? Why? Did...why did he do that? Alexander...was his brother..." She said Dorian could hear the pain in her voice.

"I don't know...I wish I did." Dorian said looking at the ground.

"We...we left him there...he should be buried..." Eva said

"I know we had no choice they would've killed you too." Dorian said looking at her.

"Maybe you should've let them." She said looking at the fire.

"Eva, you could die or you could go after them. Make them pay for what they did." Dorian said "Make Lorenzo pay for slitting Alexander's throat. Make my father and mother pay for being okay with watching him kill their youngest child. Make the guards pay for following them. Burn the castle down for ruining a great legacy."

"I..." She cried Dorian moved next to her and hugged her. She leaned into him hiding her face as she cried.

"They killed my baby brother. I want them to pay for it and they will. I'll help you I promise." Dorian said Eva looked at him. Alexander always said he favored Dorian more than Lorenzo. Eva now knows why. Dorian was caring and kind. Lorenzo was vile and selfish.

"Okay." Eva nodded.

"Rest now we have to move quickly they will be looking for us." Dorian said "I'll stand watch so you can sleep."

Eva slept for hours she woke up to Dorian calling her name. She opened her eyes seeing they were in the woods still. She could see he was looking back at something.

"Eva we have to move." He said softly. "Stay low and move slowly."

"Is it guards? Is it Lorenzo?" She said quietly.

"No, I think bandits I don't know. I don't trust them." Dorian said as he out the fire. They made their way to the horse. He helped her up and then he got on the horse. He clicked his tongue telling the horse to go in the opposite direction of where he saw the bandits.

"Dorian?" She said looking at him.

"Yes?" He said then clicked his tongue signaling the horse to slow down.

"What do you think they have done to Alexander's body?" Eva said

"Probably buried him or since they saw him as a traitor for being in love with a witch. Then nothing good..." Dorian said

"Will they find us? What would they do to you? To me?" She said he heard the worry I'm her voice. He knows Eva is very confident powerful witch. She just saw the man she love her slaughter. It took that away from her.

"Eva, they won't find us." He said "Even if they do nothing will happen to us. I promise I'll protect you."

"You don't know that." She said turning back looking at the files they were crossing. "What if they kill you?"

"They won't trust me they won't." Dorian said

Eva knew she could trust Dorian. He was that kind of person. He was someone you shouldn't cross because he was someone who kept his word and if you betray him it's bad. Other than that he was kind and loyal. He cared for people and everyone he loved. He would talk to anyone and everyone who saw him in the market. Which was the same for Alexander. Eva knew where that came from. Dorian did raised Alexander. Their parents were to busy traveling to other kingdoms and drinking.


A/N: This is bad I'm sorry! Also if there is any mistakes I made I'm sorry. I sometimes miss things when I proof read.

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