The Girl with Lilac Hair

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"We're done Seamus" I finally said to him, tears streaming down my face and my hands clenched into fists by my sides. After 4 months of constant arguing I had given up.

Even if there was still a part of me that loved him I wouldn't fight for his attention anymore. We'd gotten together in the first year of school. I know what you're thinking, why date someone when you're that young? We started dating in the first month at Hogwarts, we were young and stupid. 

I felt as though a ton had been lifted off my shoulders and for the first time in months, I recognized the person I saw in the mirror. I was sure that Seamus would start telling people that we had broken up, but I didn't care, I wouldn't entertain my peers who felt the need to intrude on my love life. I decided that I wouldn't tell people we'd broken up, unless they asked.

My name is Aspen. Aspen Binx Snape. I've spent all of my life at Hogwarts because of my father. I don't have a mother. I was abandoned as a child and he took me in. It was quickly discovered that I was a metamorphmagus. 

Having been raised at Hogwarts, I spent the vast majority of my upbringing with Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall and Rubeus Hagrid. Mostly with Hagrid as the others were always working. We would go wandering the forbidden forest and look for unicorns. I knew that place like the back of my hand. 

In 1990, I noticed two redheaded boys joining the school. As I was to start classes the year that followed, I was forbidden to interact with them but that didn't stop me from observing their antics. They were definitely troublemakers. 

I found out from Hagrid that their names were Fred and George. Identical twins from the infamous pureblood family, The Weasleys. Unsurprisingly my father despised them, but my father despises most people so I was used to it. 

1991 rolled around and it was my first day. I stood in my room looking at myself in the mirror. I wore a white button-up shirt, a black tie, black pants and boots and a V-neck grey sweater. I straightened my sweater and tie, making sure that I looked okay.

I sighed before pulling my lilac hair, which was much too long, it was long enough that when it was down it stopped at my ankles. I used my wand, casting a spell to put my hair up into a long braid, even tied up, my hair still reached down to my hips. 

I had no idea why I had lilac hair. I had hated it as a child but now I was used to it and couldn't imagine myself with different coloured hair. I discovered at a young age that my hair couldn't be cut and couldn't be dyed. My hair was incredibly resistant and at times I could use it as a rope. 

When I finally left my room and made my way downstairs, I was shaking nervously. I was a mess around people who were my age. 

When I made it to the great hall, I spotted a boy with platinum blonde hair talking to a brunette boy who wore circular glasses. Standing beside the brunette boy was a redhaired boy who looked incredibly familiar but I couldn't quite place it.

I quietly made my way toward them, making sure not to be noticed, when the boy with blonde hair turned around I recognized him quickly, Draco Malfoy. I had grown up around the Malfoy family, thought I had only met Lucius Malfoy on a few occasions. He was quite nice to me but I knew that he treated everyone like they were below him. 

The redhaired boy caught me staring at them lost in thought and nudged the brunette boy who looked over at me. I quickly scurried away, getting to the other side of the room and leaning against the wall. 


I was getting ready to lose it at Malfoy when I felt a pair of eyes on me and I turned around, noticing a girl standing nearby, I wondered why I hadn't seen her before, she wasn't on the train.

"Who was that?" I was broken from my thoughts by Harry.

"I have no idea." I replied, frowning slightly.

"That's Aspen. She's one of the professor's daughters." Draco said. I looked at him and frowned. 

"How do you know her Malfoy?"

"I know her because we grew up together, Weasley. If you're thinking about talking to her, give yourself a break, she'll end up in Slytherin, where she belongs."


I was looking around the room when I spotted a girl with frizzy hair, sitting alone in the corner. I took a deep breath, preparing myself mentally and I walked over to her, smiling gently. 

"Hi! I'm Aspen. You look like you could use someone to talk to." I said happily, she looked at me, a relieved expression on her face. 

"I'm Hermione." she responded putting out a hand for me to shake. I shook her hand gently and she smiled at me. We sat down together and began to chat about various different things. Not even noticing the weird looks we would get when we laughed.

After a while, Dumbledore called all the first years to the front and began announcing names. The redhaired boy, who I learnt was Fred and George's younger brother Ron was sorted into Gryffindor along with the brunette boy, Harry Potter, I had heard a lot about, mainly from my father who loved to complain about Harry's father.

I nervously played with my hair and watched as Hermione got sorted into Gryffindor and Draco got put into Slytherin. I didn't want to be sorted. I just wanted to go around where I wanted as it had always been. Soon my name was announced. 

"Aspen Snape?" Dumbledore smiled and looked around for me. Some of the students from other year levels who I had befriended started chanting my name and whooping. I took a deep breath and stood up walking on stage, making my way over to where the sorting hat was. 

I began to shake nervously as it was placed on my head. I heard what sounded like a gasp come from the hat and after a few minutes of it muttering it said "I cannot sort this student into any of these houses." I was shocked. The entire hall went quiet. I froze for a few seconds, the blood draining from my face. When I finally could force myself to move I stood up and ran over to Hagrid, hiding behind him for a few seconds before he took me out of the hall.

I couldn't go back to the hall, I curled up in a ball under the covers in my bed and cried. I heard celebrating from down the hall, causing me cry more. I eventually cried myself to sleep.

Later that night, I woke up and decided to sneak out. I easily snuck into Dumbledore's Office and stole the sorting hat. The I made my way out to the courtyard. I sat there, quietly overwhelmed by the days events, I sat there for so long that when I looked up the moon shone back at me. 

I decided to try again with the hat, I put the hat on and waited a few seconds until it started mumbling. 

"We don't have a house for you" it said, and then flopped over. I got up and threw the hat at the ground, tears threatening to pour from my eyes. Frustrated and left with little hope at being sorted, I bolted up to Dumbledore's office and banged on the door. 

"Headmaster!" I didn't wait for a reply and I barged into the room. The tears I had been holding back finally pouring from my eyes. I was so confused. He got up from his chair and sat beside me on the floor. 

"What happened dear?" he asked me, gently placing a hand on my shoulder. 

"The stupid hat doesn't work, it said that there's no house for me here." I said, throwing the hat at the floor. 

"Oh, my dear, don't you worry about that, you can stay at the top of the east tower, have your own little room or house if you'd like that and you can wear Purple and Black until we figure something out." he said. 

"You will be sorted into a normal house eventually though" he said again. "Okay" I said wiping tears off my face.

A week later, I met Seamus.

And now we're here. It had been four years, I had just dumped Seamus and despite how hard I tried to be resorted, I was still in my own stupid house. Alone. The sorting hat tried so many times and had always came up short. 

I thought it might just be something wrong with me specifically. Then Dumbledore decided that we would have a resorting to test if it was just me or if there were any more students were like me. I was adamant that everyone else was where they were supposed to be. Boy was I wrong.

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